Ryde4Life Member – Harold Meltzer
About six years ago, Harold and his wife Frances moved from Hillsborough to Totowa to be closer to family. Like most of us, Harold always drove to wherever he wanted to go. However, driving in inclement weather posed a challenge, and one day, he barely avoided an accident, and he decided that he was not driving anymore. They used taxis and would often get rides from family members. But taxis were getting more expensive, and they were concerned about being too dependent on family members.
One day in March 2019, they learned about the Ryde4Life program from a social worker at their residence and signed up immediately. They have been using it ever since, especially for medical appointments during the week when their family is at work. Harold said he appreciates that the drivers are reliable, always on time and that they’re “extremely courteous and helpful with his walker” and “it’s like having a personal chauffeur”.
For additional information or to sign up for the program, call:
(866) 208-1307, Option 4
or visit
www.Ryde4Life.orgor visit