How to Select a Shuttle Service Provider?

Safety and reliability are the two most important factors to consider while choosing a shuttle service provider. Here are some questions to ask about vehicles, drivers and the organization itself when shopping for a shuttle service.  The price of service is important but should not be the primary yardstick used to select a provider.

The Vehicle

  1. What is the average age of the vehicles in the fleet? Most of the vehicles that are used for shuttle services have a limited life-span of three to five years or about 150,000 miles per vehicle. An aging fleet is less reliable.
  2. What level of insurance does the provider carry? New Jersey requires a minimum $1.5 million of insurance. However, to deal effectively with the outcomes of a catastrophic accident it would be prudent to have coverage of $5 million or more.
  3. How much of the fleet is kept in reserve? A useful rule of thumb is that 20 percent of vehicles should be held in reserve to deal with emergencies and regular maintenance.
  4. Do the vehicles have the latest technology? Vehicles should be equipped with GPS and in-vehicle cameras which document driving safety and provide video footage in the event of an accident. Additionally, it confirms on-time performance.
  5. How are vehicle inspections handled? The provider should inspect each vehicle at the beginning and end of each shift that the vehicle is operated. New Jersey Department of Transportation inspections should be performed according to schedule.

The Driver

  1. How are drivers selected and trained? Shuttle drivers should have a commercial driver’s license (CDL) with passenger endorsement, a clean driving record and a minimum of two years of experience.
  2. What is the drug and alcohol policy? The provider must strictly follow a policy that complies with the Federal Transit Administration guidelines. All drivers must be tested as specified, including random tests.
  3. How many drivers are there? The operator should have sufficient back-up drivers available at all times to deal with contingencies.
  4. How are the drivers monitored? Every driver’s performance should be reviewed periodically. Based on the results, they should be briefed throughout the year to improve their driving skills.
  5. What is the driver turnover rate? There is an acute shortage of CDL drivers and turnover is high. However, it is a cause for concern and the provider should be asked to explain it.

The Company

Beyond the driver and the vehicle, it’s important to confirm the following about the shuttle service provider.

  1. Safety Rating: Check the Federal Motor Safety Carrier Safety Administration safety rating if it is an inter-state provider.
  2. Customer Service: The provider must have established protocols for communicating with riders directly and dealing with customer service complaints including time frames for corrective action.
  3. Field Inspections: Field staff is crucial to physically monitor on-time performance, driver safety, and gather direct feedback from riders regarding the quality of service.
  4. Federal Funding: Organizations that receive federal funding are held to a higher standard and are subject to audits and inspections. In addition, this brings down the cost of the shuttle program for you.

Once these criteria have been examined, then the price of the shuttle should be considered.

New Jersey Mandates Pre-tax Transit Benefits for Businesses with 20 or More Employees

According to the U.S. Census, in 1990 the average commute time was less than 22 minutes. Today, Americans spend just over 26 minutes commuting to work each way.

These four extra minutes spent on commuting equates to eight minutes a day (4 x 2) round trip, 40 (8 x 5) additional minutes each week and 2,080 (40 x 52) extra minutes of commuting each year. This means that commuters now are spending 34.6 more hours in transit — a whole work week — than workers in the 1990s.

One study found that adding 20 minutes to your commute makes you as miserable as taking a 19 percent pay cut. Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman and economist Alan Krueger once surveyed 900 people and found that commuting was their least favorite activity of all, behind work, child care, and home chores.

“Commutes can have a major impact on morale and, ultimately, an employee’s decision to stay with or leave a job,” Paul McDonald, senior executive director for the staffing agency, Robert Half said in a statement. “In today’s candidate-driven market, skilled workers can have multiple offers on the table. Professionals may not need to put up with a lengthy or stressful trip to the office if there are better options available.” To help ease commuting woes, companies can offer remote work options, flexible scheduling or transportation amenities such as pre-tax transportation benefit.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy signed S1567 into law, requiring employers of 20 or more employees to offer a pre-tax transportation fringe benefit to their employees, covering commuter highway vehicle (vanpools) and mass transit costs. This mandate does not include parking.

The pre-tax benefit would allow employees to set aside a certain amount of pre-tax income for transportation services to and from work.  New Jersey is the first state to mandate this benefit to employees.

Governor Murphy stated, “Providing this pre-tax benefit to commuters throughout our state will reduce the financial burden of fares and parking costs, resulting in significant savings.”

The new law will take effect on March 1, 2020, or the effective date the regulations are adopted by the New Jersey Department of Labor & Workforce Development – whichever is earlier.  Employees found noncompliant may be assessed a civil penalty of $100 to $250 for the first violation, and then an additional $250 penalty each additional 30-day period the employer is noncompliant.

The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce will adopt rules and regulations concerning the administration and enforcement of the pre-tax benefit.

For more information please visit

or contact:

Avnish Gupta

(201) 939-4242 ext. 118

[email protected]

Walk this Way…to Stay Safe & Healthy!

May 31, 2016

EZ Ride’s  Safe Routes to School team visited the Amerigo A. Anastasia Elementary School on May 17th and May 18th and the Gregory Elementary school on May 23rd , 26th and 31st in Long Branch.  We met with 242 1stand 2nd graders to teach them about Pedestrian Safety during 10 PE classes.

Walking was introduced as a good and healthy way to begin each school day.  Kids were informed they need 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity to maintain their weight and stay healthy.  They were encouraged to see walking to and from school as a fun and easy way to get part of that daily exercise.    We shared that walking can be fun because it’s something that can be done with parents and siblings and it‘s a chance to talk with friends.   We taught kids that pedestrians are anybody who uses the sidewalks or roads to travel. In other words, pedestrians can be joggers, bicyclists, roller skaters, people in wheelchairs, or those who use skateboards or hover boards.

The Safe Routes to School team also shared research findings that students who start the day with at least 20 minutes of exercise do well in school because they are fully awake and they have better concentration, memory, and perform better on tests.

Students were taught the four basic rules for walking safety using a colorful and child-friendly visual presentation. These rules are:

  1. Stop…completely at street corners and stay on the sidewalk.
  2. Look…at pedestrian traffic signals to see if it is ok to cross. Look left, right and left again before crossing.  Look at stopped drivers and make eye contact to make sure they are aware you want to cross the street.
  3. Listen…to make sure it is safe and no emergency vehicles or speeding cars are coming.
  4. Think…about how to stay safe. This could include dressing in bright colors to be seen, using crosswalks, obeying signals and traffic laws. Watch out for friends to make sure they are safe too.

Last, we got the kids up to practice the lessons on a mini roadway and get some of their daily physical activity. Kids were shown a “do not cross” (red hand) signal and asked what to do.  They knew the right answer was to stop on the corner and wait.  Then when the signal changed, they were reminded to look both ways, listen, make eye contact with drivers, and think about if the situation was safe.  When they felt comfortable that it was safe, the students crossed the pretend street in the crosswalk.  Then as a large group, we all got up to exercise.  We speed walked, skipped, jogged and hopped around the gym several times and each time we stopped at the crosswalk to practice looking both ways before crossing.

For more info about the Safe Routes to School team at EZ Ride/Meadowlink, please contact Lisa Lee at 201-939-4242 or [email protected]. We serve schools and towns in Monmouth, Bergen, Essex, Passaic and Union Counties.

400 Students Learn the ABCs of Biking Safety at Three Schools in Long Branch

July 27, 2016

During May and June, over 400 students in grades 3-5 learned the ABCs of biking safety at the Amerigo A. Anastasia School (AAA), the Gregory School, and the George L. Catrambone School (GLC) in Long Branch.  EZ Ride’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) team made Bike Safety Presentations (BSPs) at these three elementary schools to encourage and teach students how to safely bike to and from school.

Children learn the alphabet and their ABCs in school and these are considered the building blocks that are essential for successful reading.  In the same way, children who learn the ABCs of biking safety learn the building blocks that are necessary for safe bicycling.

Children who attend our Biking Safety Presentations learn about:

  • Helmet fit and that kids under 17 are required by NJ law to wear one
  • The ABC quick check: how to quickly check a bike is safe before riding
  • Rules of the road and responsibilities of cyclists as vehicles
  • How to scan and signal before making turns
  • How to ride predictably and watch out for road hazards
  • How to dress to be safe and the bike equipment that is needed per NJ law

Additionally, the SRTS team explains the benefits of biking and walking to school to students and their teachers. Biking is a great way for students to get part of the daily 60 minutes of exercise that children need each day to stay healthy.  Brain research has shown that students who walk or bike to school are more awake and alert in class, they do better on tests, and they retain information better than students who are driven to school.  We talk about the importance of drinking lots of water when cycling and also about eating healthy foods including more fruits and vegetables to give children energy to help them ride their bicycles for the long term.

By the way, in case you were wondering what the ABCs of biking safety are…

  • A stands for “air” which is needed in tires to ride a bike,
  • B stands for “brakes” which are important to stop a bicycle and need to be properly positioned, and
  • C stands for the “chain, crank, cog and cassette” on the bicycle

The equipment that all cyclists need to ride in NJ includes a white front light, a red rear taillight, and a bike bell or horn to audibly signal. The most important safety skills that kids need to learn are:

  • Come to a full and complete stop at stop signs and red lights
  • Stop at the end of driveways and look both ways before entering the road
  • Always ride bikes on the right hand side of the street with vehicles

Next…the SRTS team will be heading back to the Gregory School and AAA School on July 27thand July 28th to teach in the summer school programs in Long Branch.  We will be making more walking and biking safety presentations to the summer school students and conducting Bike Skills Rodeos where students will get a chance to practice safe riding skills such as scanning, signaling and turning on a safe child-friendly course.  We will also be providing free bike helmets to students who do not have one.

For more info, please contact Lisa Lee at [email protected] or call 201-939-4242.

PSEG Employees Benefit from EZ Ride Shuttle to Newark Penn Station and Local Parking Garages

PSEG, headquartered in Newark for over 100 years, is one of the ten largest electric companies in the U.S.  On May 1st PSEG partnered with EZ Ride to launch an employee shuttle service that links their offices to Newark Penn Station and multiple parking garages in Newark.  The shuttle operates daily from 5:30 am – 10 am and from 2:30 pm – 7 pm.  The service uses two buses which run on two different routes – one serving Newark Penn Station and the other stopping at the parking garages utilized by PSEG employees.  “We are pleased to provide this shuttle service for our staff.  Getting to the office, especially in poor weather conditions, is much easier when you know there is a shuttle available every 10-15 minutes from Newark Penn Station or the parking garage. The availability of the EZ Ride shuttle has made the commute a little easier,” said John Hadden, PSEG Manager – HQ Operations.

EZ Ride also administers six vanpools for PSEG employees who commute to Newark from Toms River, Pt. Pleasant, Howell, Plainsboro, Hillsborough and Old Bridge. One of the vanpools has been in operation for more than 27 years.   EZ Ride plans to host commuter events at PSEG to increase awareness about other commute options such as public transit, carpooling and vanpooling as well as safe biking and walking.

For more information about setting up shuttle services at your facility, please contact:

Kinga Skora

(201) 939-4242 ext. 131

[email protected]

Uber Health and EZ Ride Partner to Increase Mobility for NJ Residents

Uber Health and EZ Ride have entered into a partnership to provide on-demand, affordable transportation services for New Jersey residents age 18 and over through EZ Ride’s “Ryde4Life” program.   Ryde4Life is now available on weekdays from 8am – 8pm and on weekends from 8am – 5pm by calling  866.208.1307 Ext. 4.  Members do not need a smartphone to participate; they only need a cell phone and a credit card to register for the program. “Our partnership with Uber Health will fill the mobility gap experienced by residents who utilize existing public transportation options that may have limited schedules or routes. Ryde4Life makes The Garden State fully accessible all the time,” said Krishna Murthy, President and CEO of EZ Ride.  “We are pleased to provide an easy way for residents without a smart phone to take advantage of Uber’s services.”

“Uber Health’s partnership with EZ Ride provides an additional option for NJ residents to help increase their mobility and reduce isolation in their communities and around the state. Through Ryde4Life, Uber Health offers a convenient, safe and user-friendly on-demand ride experience for those who need it most,” said Dan Trigub, Head of Uber Health.

For more information, please contact:

Avnish Gupta

(201) 939-4242 ext. 118

[email protected]

EZ Ride and Asbury Park Alive Uniting a City through Streets in Motion

Thanks to a generous grant from the New Jersey Health Initiative (NJHI), the state-wide grant making wing of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation,  EZ Ride was able to help form the Alliance for a Healthier Asbury Park. The vision of the Alliance is to improve the health and well-being of all Asbury Park residents through prevention, health education, active programs, policy, and environmental change. Its mission is to prevent and reduce chronic disease by lowering the barriers and conditions that prevent healthy living and thinking.

The Open Streets movement is a global phenomenon about getting communities active and changing the way people view their streets and neighborhoods. The Alliance decided that closing certain roads in town and making the “Open Streets” available for healthy activities such as walking, biking, yoga, and rock climbing could increase awareness about the importance of good health, and provide an excellent opportunity to promote healthy lifestyles and active living in the City. In addition to the grant from NJHI, the Alliance raised more than $20,000 from the community to support the event.

The Alliance hosted the First Asbury Park Alive event for a Healthier Asbury Park on Saturday, May 4, 2019, from 1 pm – 5 pm.   The slogan of the event was “Uniting a City through Streets in Motion!” and the City closed several major streets to provide a safe space for people to walk, bike, or skate.  There were bands, DJs, and different activity stations to promote health and well-being. Many partners from the Alliance for a Healthier Asbury Park were involved, including EZ Ride.

EZ Ride provided shuttle services to transport residents from the Senior Housing buildings to the event.  EZ Ride also had two table stations to promote our Ryde4Life and bike and pedestrian programs. The grant provides funding to help Asbury Park residents sign up for the Ryde4Life program and get free transportation services using Lyft or Uber up to a maximum of $100.

EZ Ride’s Bike and Pedestrian team were out in full force promoting bicycling safety at the Bike Hub area by setting up an extensive Safe Bike Riding Skills Course at the Transit Station parking lot. The team distributed safety information, bike safety coloring books, Street Smart tip cards, bike lights, bike water bottle holders, and free helmets.

“I had the privilege to be stationed near EZ Ride’s Bike Rodeo. The team kept focused on the children’s enjoyment and safety and gave out a lot of essential items including helmets and bicycle water bottle holders. The team did face a few challenges – illegally parked vehicles and the rain. But EZ Ride’s Bike & Pedestrian Team rearranged the course several times as necessary. In spite of the rain, they kept the energy level high as they promoted bike safety and fun for the children and families who participated” said Pastor Jackie Burgess,  Volunteer Coordinator for Asbury Park Alive.

For more information contact:

Lisa Lee

(201) 939-4242 ext. 123

[email protected]

Borough of Caldwell & EZ Ride Team up to Conduct Bike & Walk Audit

On April 10, 2019, the Borough of Caldwell, Caldwell School District, and EZ Ride staff teamed up to conduct a Bike & Walk Audit for the Grover Cleveland Middle School.

The Audit is designed to assess the condition of the streets around a school, make recommendations to improve the infrastructure and the environment, with the ultimate goal to encourage and enable students and residents to bike and walk to school.

Two teams conducted the Audit.

The bike team included EZ Ride’s Regional SRTS Coordinator, the Caldwell Traffic Police Sgt., Caldwell’s Head of the Department of Public Works, the School District Superintendent and a staff member, and a Research Specialist from Rutgers Voorhees Transportation Center. They came dressed with bright safety vests, bikes, and helmets.

The walk team included the Director of Social Services, Health Inspector, City Councilwoman, Fireman, two parents, and EZ Ride’s two Assistant Coordinators. To make it more realistic, one team member pushed a baby stroller, and the team also included a senior walker.

The 13 participants split into four groups and evaluated two walk and two bike routes. Each team followed predetermined routes to check the crosswalks, signage, lighting, sidewalks, crossing guards, and ADA compliant ramps.

The Audit started at the end of the school day. The team members witnessed the student dismissal process and observed the traffic before starting the actual audit.

The post-audit session was held at the library to share the findings and the recommendations which were documented by EZ Ride staff. The final audit report could be used by the Borough and School to apply for funding to make infrastructure changes and to get Sustainable Jersey certification points to apply for grants.

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Lee

(201) 939-4242 ext. 123

[email protected]










Ryde4Life Members – Pearl G. & Sheila from East Orange

Pearl and Sheila live in East Orange.  They used a combination of rides from friends and family, taxis, and buses to get around town.  They discovered the Ryde4Life program while traveling back and forth to the hospital to visit a family member.  Not having to depend on anyone for a ride was very appealing to them and they signed up for the program. Now they use Ryde4Life in conjunction with public transportation to get to the hospital, for shopping, doctor appointments, and social functions.

“We love the flexibility and the fact that there is no exchange of money or arguing over the fare.  The drivers are great, cars are clean, and they arrive within five minutes. We enjoy the freedom of using the service as needed and we enjoy the luxury of someone else out there who looks out for any billing discrepancies. EZ Ride takes care of that easily and quickly.”

For additional information or to sign up for the program, call:

(866) 208-1307, Option 4  or visit

Revised Fare Policy for Flex-T Mobility Program ( Flexible Transportation for People with Disabilities)

We are adjusting our pricing to more accurately reflect the value riders get from our services and to ensure the financial viability of the program.  As a result, EZ Ride will charge a flat fee of $2.40/ mile, and there will be no additional pick-up fee. The increase will be effective September 15, 2017.

The Flex-T Mobility program was launched in 2009 with a grant from the Kessler Foundation to provide rides for people with reduced mobility using volunteer drivers in Monmouth County.  The program has grown and now serves more than 100 riders mostly in Monmouth County, and the total number of rides provided has doubled over the last two years from about 9,000 in 2015 to 18,000 in 2017. We have replaced the volunteers with professional drivers who had the skill sets to meet the needs of the riders we were attempting to serve which increases the cost.

Our 100+ customers live in about 50 different towns and travel to more than 250 different destinations. A large number of origins and destinations make it difficult for our clients to share a ride and if they do, it increases the time they spend in the car traveling. Currently, the average trip length is about 7.7 miles and takes about 24 minutes. We are able to accomplish it by using a larger fleet of vehicles and more drivers which again increases the cost.

To simplify our billing operations, we now require our customers to provide us with a credit/ debit card. Similar to EZ Pass, we will initially deduct $50 from the credit/debit card to open the account and fund the rides. As and when the account balance drops to $25 or below; we will replenish the account balance by adding $50 from the credit/ debit card. All active members will receive a monthly statement of rides provided and their cost.

EZ Ride is a qualified provider for the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) which provides funding for services that assist adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to live as independently as possible. Each individual who uses DDD’s services has a plan of care developed with their Support Coordinator that details how they want to live and their transportation needs are described in this document.

EZ Ride is working closely with the DDD client and their Support Coordinator to ensure that they are aware of the price increase and are getting the transportation they need. We appreciate our riders’ continued participation in our Flex-T program and look forward to serving their transportation needs into the future.

For additional information, please contact:

(201)939-4242 or email [email protected]

BNE Real Estate Group Provides Shuttle Services for Residents at One Harrison

BNE Real Estate Group is a family-owned business with an established track record of developing thousands of luxury homes, more than one million square feet of commercial space, and manages nearly  8,000 apartments.

In spring 2019 they began leasing operations at their latest venture, One Harrison, located along the Harrison waterfront.  In addition to several lifestyle amenities, BNE partnered with EZ Ride to offer their residents free shuttle service to and from the Harrison PATH station.

“The shuttle is a huge draw for residents who commute using the PATH train service at Harrison. It seamlessly connects our community with public transportation and eliminates the hassles and expense of owning a car. EZ Ride serves not only One Harrison but also two more of our residential communities – Monarch in East Rutherford and Water’s Edge in Harrison,” said Seth Cohen, Executive Vice President – Head of Operations at BNE Real Estate Group.

The Harrison PATH station was redeveloped at a cost of $256 million to include glass-enclosed, weather-protected station entrances; modern elevators widened stairs and escalators to platforms; and, possibly the most critical feature, extended platforms to accommodate longer, 10-car trains. EZ Ride operates five different shuttle services from the Harrison PATH station for various clients.

For more information about setting up shuttle services at your facility, please contact:

Kinga Skora

(201) 939-4242 ext. 131

[email protected]

EZ Ride Provides Shuttle Service to Accommodate Pedestrians During Bloomfield Avenue Bridge Construction

An $11.7 million, state-funded Bloomfield Avenue Bridge rehabilitation project will replace the bridge superstructure, which is in “poor condition.” The bridge is located on Bloomfield Avenue/CR506 over NJ TRANSIT’s Montclair Rail Line near Maple Avenue in Montclair.

The project will be advanced in stages to minimize the impact on motorists. EZ Ride partnered with IEW Construction Group to provide shuttle service for pedestrians during sidewalk closures. The service is free, and it’s provided seven days a week: Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

The shuttle operates continuously, picking up at Bloomfield Ave and Highland Ave, Bloomfield Ave and Pine Street, and Bay Street Train Station.  Additionally, if needed, riders can flag the shuttle along Woodland Ave.

The shuttle service began on June 29 and is expected to continue operating until December 2019.  The overall construction on the bridge is expected to be completed by summer 2020.

Riders can obtain additional information about the service by contacting:

Veronica Gallegos

(201) 939-4242 ext. 1

[email protected]

Shuttle Map

EZ Ride’s Community Partners Awarded $4.2 Million Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Grants

On May 17, 2019, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT), in partnership with the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), announced $5.8 million in Safe Routes to School (SRTS) infrastructure grants to eleven communities.  Seven of these eleven winners are EZ Ride’s municipal and school partners, who were awarded a total of $4.2 million.


In Bergen County:

  • $210,000 for Berkeley Elementary School in Westwood

In Essex County:

  • $1,000,000 for Hawkins 13th Ave School in Newark
  • $1,000,000 for Park Avenue Elementary School in Orange

In Monmouth County:

  • $500,000 for Bradley Thurgood Marshall Elementary School in Asbury Park
  • $275,000 for Highlands Elementary School in Highlands
  • $230,000 for Amerigo A. Anastasia Elementary Middle School in Long Branch
  • $1,000,000 for River Plaza Elementary School in Middletown

EZ Ride partnered with schools, parents, students, community leaders, police, and other city officials in these communities to identify the barriers that prevented walking or biking in the neighborhood. The schools also documented how students get to and from school – bus, bike, car, walk, or public transit. And EZ Ride prepared a School Travel Plan with recommendations on improving the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure around the school, which was a requirement for all communities seeking infrastructure grants.

“We believe that the Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Grant will help improve the pedestrian and traffic safety not only for our students but also for our residents. We are a township where residents will be healthier, happier, and better connected when they feel they can travel safely around the town.

Dr. Gerald Fitzhugh II, Ed.D, Superintendent, Orange Public Schools continued, “School district staff, city officials, parents, students, and the EZ Ride bike and pedestrian team collaborated to assess and gather the data for the walkability audit. The Travel Plan Report written by EZ Ride identified the traffic safety issues we noted during the audit and provided specific recommendations for us to implement and to highlight in our grant application. During the process, the entire school community was galvanized around improving pedestrian and traffic safety issues in the township.

We look forward to working further with the City of Orange Township, EZ Ride, and NJ Safe Routes to Schools to develop opportunities for safer travel to our district schools.”

For more information about our bike and pedestrian programs, please contact:

Lisa Lee

(201) 939-4242 ext. 123

Essex County Uses Ryde4Life Program to Supplement County Transportation Services

In March 2019, Essex County teamed up with EZ Ride to provide rides for older adults using the Ryde4Life program. The pilot program was designed to augment the county paratransit systems either because of capacity constraints, requests for rides outside of normal operating hours or delayed requests for a ride.

The process is simple –  TransDev, the county’s paratransit operator provides EZ Ride with a list of passengers with their pick-up and drop-off locations a day before they are required. The following day, the riders call EZ Ride directly to request a ride, and the EZ Ride Coordinator uses Lyft/ Uber to provide the service. At the end of the month, EZ Ride bills the county the actual cost of the ride and an additional $2.50 per trip.

Funding for the pilot program was provided in equal amounts by NJ Transit and Essex County. In the last three months, EZ Ride has provided more than 800 rides to county residents.

“The program has been an immediate and overwhelming success. And the number of rides has gradually increased to about 40 trips a day. Our goal in Essex County is to eliminate the transportation barrier and improve the quality of life for our seniors. We are delighted with the services provided by EZ Ride.

We look forward to making it a regular feature on our menu of transportation options,” said Michael Vieira, Essex County Director of Transportation Services.

The Ryde4Life program is very popular with older adults as no reservation is required, and riding in a sedan is far more comfortable than a minibus. However, the average cost of the ride is about $13, which poses a financial burden for most of our riders who live on a fixed income and cannot always afford the trip. The success of the Essex County program was primarily because the rides are free.

The Ryde4Life program primarily serves – older adults, passengers with disabilities, and lower-income residents living in areas with little or no public transportation.

Typically, NJ Transit commuters only pay about 50 percent of the operating cost of the ride. We want to offer the same 50 percent discount to our riders in the Ryde4Life program.

For additional information about the Ryde4Life program, please contact:

Barbara Friedman

(201) 939-4242 ext. 223

[email protected]

Ryde4Life Member – Michael Bruder – Montclair

Michael had lived in Spring Lake, Summit and New York City before settling down in Montclair. He doesn’t drive and has witnessed the changes in the transportation services available in town.

He joined Ryde4life in August 2017, and he uses it for trips outside of Montclair.

For Michael, being a member of Ryde4Life makes him feel independent and in charge of his transportation without having to own a car.  He likes Ryde4Life because its available  on-demand, and he saves a lot of money compared to local taxi services.  He said he rates Ryde4Life “a 20+” and that he is a “satisfied customer.”



For additional information or to sign up for the program, call:

(866) 208-1307, Option 4

or visit

Walking & Talking About Safety with the NJ Devil in Elmwood Park

On June 17, 2019 EZ Ride’s Bike & Pedestrian Team in partnership with the Elmwood Park School District, the Elmwood Park Police Department, NJTPA’s Street Smart NJ Program, and the NJ Devil’s mascot, known as “NJ,” launched the Street Smart NJ campaign safety messages for drivers and pedestrians at the Gilbert Elementary School.

A short video about how to cross streets safely was presented to more than 250 Grade K-3 students. We taught the children our four safety rules, “Stop, Look, Listen & Wave.” Several of them volunteered to come up and practice the rules on our mini-roadway along with NJ, who modeled the safe way to cross a street.

We also premiered the brand new Street Smart NJ Public Service Announcement starring Ken Daneyko, former NJ Devil’s ice hockey player and three-time Stanley Cup winner. In the video, Daneyko emphasizes the importance of walking safely in busy New Jersey and the danger of being a distracted driver or pedestrian.

The Street Smart NJ messages in the campaign were:

  • Wait for the Walk Signal to cross streets
  • Heads Up & Phone Down for both drivers and pedestrians
  • Cross at the Corners, not mid-block
  • Look Before Crossing
  • Use the Crosswalks

For more information, please contact:

Lisa Lee

(201) 939-4242 ext. 123

[email protected]

EZ Ride Provides Shuttle Service for Hartz from Lincoln Harbor to New York City

We are pleased that Hartz Mountain Industries has chosen to partner with EZ Ride to provide shuttle services from Lincoln Harbor in Weehawken to New York City.

The Estuary Apartments in Lincoln Harbor has approximately 500 units and there are plans to add 900 more units soon. Public transit is the primary mode of transportation to the City. Weehawken is the last stop for the buses driving into the city and are sometimes already full when they arrive. The shuttle is designed to augment NJ Transit bus service and accommodate those left behind.

Service will commence on November 4 and will be provided on weekdays during morning peak hours from 7 a.m to 10 a.m. The shuttle will operate using two minibuses at approximately 25-30 minutes frequency.

EZ Ride also provides shuttles for Hartz Mountain Industries from their Harmon Meadow facility to Secaucus Junction using four buses that operate during peak hours.

For additional information please contact:

Avnish Gupta

(201) 939-4242 ext. 118

[email protected]

Welcome to EZ Ride’s 2019 Annual Campaign for Affordable Transportation!

As a mission-driven non-profit organization, EZ Ride is dedicated to lowering the transportation barrier and improving the quality of life for for commuters, lower-income residents, older adults, and riders with disabilities in New Jersey.

From carpools to vanpools, to shuttles, to transportation for older and riders with disabilities, EZ Ride tries to fill the gap when other options fall short. For some people, the transportation services may not be attainable because of cost. EZ Ride strives to ensure these services are available to everyone in the community regardless of income.


Our goals for this year’s annual campaign are to:

  1. Raise awareness and $200,000 in funds for EZ Ride’s financial assistance program
  2. Enable the participation of 1,000 older adults in our Ryde4life transportation program
  3. Help to provide more than 15,000 subsidized rides for lower-income older adults

We have partnered with Lyft and Uber to launch Ryde4Life, a program to provide reliable transportation on demand. The program is very popular with older adults because no reservation is required and riding in a sedan is far more comfortable than a minibus. However, the cost of the ride continues to pose a financial burden for most of our riders who live on a fixed income and cannot always afford the trip.

Please join us today in helping advance our cause for affordable transportation. For a better you. For a better community. Give for a better us.

Contributions can be made by sending a check, credit card or paypal and are fully tax-deductible.

For more information about our campaign and how to make a donation, please contact:

Kinga Skora

(201) 939-4242 ext. 131

[email protected]

A National Night Out to Celebrate Pedestrian, Cyclist and Driver Safety

EZ Ride’s Bike and Pedestrian Safety Team was out in force for National Night Out on Tuesday August 6, 2019, to promote cyclist, pedestrian and driver safety in three different communities: Elizabeth, Linden, and Long Branch.

National Night Out is celebrated on the first Tuesday in August. It is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer and more caring places to live. Millions of people take part in National Night Out across thousands of communities from all fifty states, US territories, and military bases worldwide. Neighborhoods host block parties, festivals, parades, cookouts, and various other community events with safety demonstrations, seminars, youth events, visits from emergency personnel, exhibits, and more.

In all three cities, EZ Ride team members set up a table with pedestrian and cyclist safety information. It included Street Smart NJ tip cards, handouts on helmet fitting in Spanish and English, bicycle and pedestrian safety coloring books, brochures about buying a youth bike, safe walking and bicycling pamphlets in English and Spanish, Stop for Pedestrians Warning Flyers, and Walking “prescriptions.” And we provided 150 free bike helmets to young children as well as 30 sets of bicycle lights.

In Linden, there was a great deal of interest from parents about helmet fitting and bike safety. We will be partnering with the Linden Police to kick-off a Street Smart NJ campaign on September 23.

In Long Branch, we partnered with the Monmouth Medical Center community health educators to provide helmets and promote healthier living. EZ Ride is a recipient of a NJ Healthy Communities grant for Long Branch. As a result, we were able to offer jump ropes, healthier recipes, and health information to encourage physical activity and healthy eating.

In Elizabeth, we partnered with the City, the Police, and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) to hold a Street Smart NJ Campaign Kickoff event with the media. The Mayor, City Council members, and representatives from the NJTPA and the NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety addressed the attendees. Union County Freeholder, NJTPA Chairman, and EZ Ride trustee Angel Estrada commended the city on their efforts to improve pedestrian safety.  “The more we educate people about safe driving and walking, the safer we can make our roads for everyone, he said. “Together, we can make a difference. Remember to Drive Smart, Walk Smart, and Be Street Smart.”

All three events provided EZ Ride an excellent opportunity to promote safe walking and biking in the community.

For more information about our bicycle and pedestrian programs and services, please contact:

Lisa Lee

(201) 939-4242 ext. 123

[email protected]

Ryde4Life Member – Charles Zylinky

Charles and his wife Rose Marie are both members of Ryde4Life.  They do everything together – cooking meals, attending club meetings, and going on vacation. And they always use Ryde4Life for their local travel needs.

Charles is a former professional driver, but says driving in the area today is “too crazy.” He decided to stop driving and began using taxis before joining the Ryde4Life program. Today, he uses Ryde4Life for all his trips, including visits to the doctor, shopping, or going out to dinner with his wife. He prefers Ryde4Life to taxi service as it makes him feel like he has his personal car service.

Charles says that all the drivers are super helpful, and sometimes he even gets the same driver. He has told some of his friends about the service and says that Ryde4Life is the best alternative to having your car.


For additional information or to sign up for the program, call:

(866) 208-1307, Option 4

or visit

Proposed Transit Options to American Dream

American Dream’s long-awaited opening is now set for October 25, 2019. The newly constructed facility is expected to attract 40 million visitors a year. While many visitors are expected to drive to the facility, others may want to explore public transit options. NJ TRANSIT is hosting two public hearings on October 3 from 5 to 7 pm at the Journal Square Transportation Center in Jersey City and on October 7 from 5 to 7 pm at One Bergen County Plaza in Hackensack for feedback on the following bus plans.

New bus routes starting October 25:

  • Bus No. 355, which will operate daily express service from the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan to American Dream every 30 minutes.
  • Bus No. 356, which will operate daily express service every 30 minutes from Secaucus Junction to American Dream.

Expansion of existing bus routes:

  • Bus No. 772 has expanded weekend services to operate from Paramus every 30 minutes until 10:30 pm and weekday evening service to operate until 10:20 pm to accommodate those interested in employment at American Dream. This began on August 31.
  • Bus No. 119 has expanded Sunday service operating between Bayonne, Jersey City and NYC every hour throughout the day and every two hours during late-night/early-morning hours. This began September 1.
  • Bus No. 85, which operates from Hoboken and Union City to Secaucus, began making stops at American Dream on August 31.
  • Bus No. 703, which operates from Paterson and Passaic to East Rutherford, began making stops at American Dream on August 31.

All buses will stop at the Meadowlands Racetrack until the new transportation center under construction is completed.

For more information about these services, please contact:

Michael Jensen

(201) 939-4242 ext. 139

[email protected]

EZ Ride to Launch Two New Shuttles to Serve Monmouth County

Thanks to federal funding provided by New Jersey Transit and the North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), EZ Ride will introduce two new shuttle services in Monmouth County in 2020 – the Sandy Hook shuttle and Hazlet-Holmdel shuttle.

The Sandy Hook shuttle is designed to help alleviate congestion on Route 36 and visitor parking constraints at the beach. The service and will operate between the Middletown train station and Sandy Hook during the summer. Visitors will be encouraged to use the train as a travel alternative, and the station lot as a parking site.

The Hazlet-Holmdel shuttle will link two major transit hubs – PNC Bank Arts Center Park & Ride and the Hazlet train station with major employers in the area. It will reduce the traveler’s need for finding and paying for the limited parking at the train station.  The two shuttles could serve residents, commuters, visitors, and local employers such as Bell Works and Bayshore Medical Center. To promote these services, EZ Ride will host information sessions and distribute flyers, press releases, and brochures.

For additional information please contact:

Avnish Gupta

(201) 939-4242 ext. 118

[email protected]

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Recognition Award & Infrastructure Grants

Participation in the SRTS program is a pre-requisite for SRTS Infrastructure grants from New Jersey Department of Transportation. Our Bike and Pedestrian Program team at EZ Ride will work with you to meet the criteria needed to gain recognition and apply for grant funds. We will even help you to submit the online nomination.

The SRTS program cycle runs from February 1, 2020 to January 31, 2020 so the next deadline is coming up in two months. The program offers a step by step process to support walking and biking in your community.

We can help you on multiple fronts including:

  1. Strengthening your crossing guard program
  2. Crafting policies to promote walking and biking for adoption by your municipality and Board of Education (BOE)
  3. Implementing biking and walking educational programs for kids
  4. Identifying street infrastructure needs to support safe walking and biking
  5. Working with local police to encourage safe driver and pedestrian behavior


Coming Soon – Solicitations for 2020 SRTS Infrastructure Grants

Municipalities will have the opportunity to apply for the federal SRTS Infrastructure Grants in early 2020 that will be administered by the New Jersey Department of Transporation (NJDOT). These reimbursement grants can be used to make streetscape improvements and fix issues to make walking and biking safer.

Typically, applicants will have up to three months to provide the required supporting documentation that includes two resolutions – one each from the school district and the municipality. Since this could involve multiple reviews before the final vote and adoption of the resolution, it would be prudent to start this process early. EZ Ride can provide you with a template to begin the process.

Applicants are also required to submit school travel tallies and letters of support from community organizations. Again, we can provide you with templates for your use.

The following websites provide additional details: and

For any additional assistance or questions, please contact:

Lisa Lee

(201) 939-4242 Ext. 123

[email protected]

Essex County Seniors Participating in Ryde4Life Program Reached 3,000 Rides Milestone

In just six months, the number of rides provided to Essex County seniors has more than doubled from 300 to 600 a month. The program was launched by Essex County to augment the county’s paratransit system. It is popular because the riders do not pay a fare, there are no reservation requirements, and they get a personal ride in a Lyft or Uber vehicle.

More than half the riders are from Newark, East Orange, and Irvington, and they also account for about 2,000 of the 3,000 rides provided. Two-third of all the trips are for medical purposes, including dialysis. Most of the riders are women – again about two-third. At an average cost of $16 per trip, the program is very cost-effective compared to paratransit services.  The rides are relatively short, about six miles, and take an average of 17-minutes.

The Ryde4Life program is available for all residents in New Jersey, 18 years or older. The service is open seven days a week, and rides can be scheduled between 8 am – 8 pm during the weekday and 8 am – 5 pm on weekends. In addition to Essex County, the Township of Montclair, Affordable Housing Alliance, Ocean Community Economic Action Now, Inc., and Asbury Park Alliance provide discounted or free trips.

For more information please contact:

Kinga Skora

(201) 939-4242 Ext. 131

[email protected]

100 Monmouth County Residents Participate in Flex-T Mobility Partner Program

Many people with disabilities need specialized transportation. Lack of transportation resources limits their access to work, health care, independent living, and enjoyment of life.

The Flex-T Mobility Partner Program provides transportation for more than 100 Monmouth County residents, with about 15 from Englishtown participate in the program. About a dozen riders have been with us for eight years or more – a testimony to excellent service and the lack of other suitable options.  Most of the rides are provided using mini-vans to optimize ridership and reduce travel time. The average trip length is about eight miles and takes about 30-minutes. Unlike older adults, these riders need the service regularly and typically take about 200-300 rides a year.

The New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) and New Jersey Transit help fund the program. More than 96 percent of the rides are to access training, education, or employment at different locations such as Prime Time Center in Eatontown, Family Resource Associates in Red Bank, Dorbrook Activity Center in Colts Neck, Young Chefs Academy in Morganville, and ARC of Monmouth in Tinton Falls.

For more information about our Flex-T Mobility Partner program, visit our website or contact:

Barbara Friedman

(201) 939-4242 Ext. 223

[email protected]

Ryde4Life Member – Harold Meltzer

About six years ago, Harold and his wife Frances moved from Hillsborough to Totowa to be closer to family. Like most of us, Harold always drove to wherever he wanted to go. However, driving in inclement weather posed a challenge, and one day, he barely avoided an accident, and he decided that he was not driving anymore. They used taxis and would often get rides from family members. But taxis were getting more expensive, and they were concerned about being too dependent on family members.

One day in March 2019, they learned about the Ryde4Life program from a social worker at their residence and signed up immediately. They have been using it ever since, especially for medical appointments during the week when their family is at work. Harold said he appreciates that the drivers are reliable, always on time and that they’re “extremely courteous and helpful with his walker” and “it’s like having a personal chauffeur”.


For additional information or to sign up for the program, call:

(866) 208-1307, Option 4

or visit

www.Ryde4Life.orgor visit

7,500 Students Celebrate “Walk to School Day”

Walk to School Day is an international event celebrated in October each year. Thousands of communities join in with the fun and safe Walk to School Day events that get families, teachers, city staff, and community members walking together while educating children and families about the benefits of walking.

Over 7,500 students from 41 schools in EZ Ride’s service area registered and  participated in the event this year on website.

The ultimate goal is to develop a walk to school program that is not limited to one day or one event but to create a culture of walking all year round. Farmingdale School in Monmouth County embodies that spirit and encourages its students to walk to school regularly. In addition to celebrating “Walk to School Month” in October and “NJ Bike Month” in May, the school host weekly “Walk to School Wednesdays.” Having an ongoing walking program earned them the Silver Safe Routes to School Recognition Award.

“Walk to School” days are a fun way to encourage and increase the number of students and their parents who walk to school. They help to reduce congestion around school areas, eliminate unnecessary idling of cars, and decreases the potential for crashes between vehicles and pedestrians.

For more information about walking and biking programs, please contact:

Latoya Howard

(201) 939-4242 ext. 122

[email protected]

Montclair Township Approves Continued Funding For Senior Bus Service


In February 2017, EZ Ride took over the township’s senior transportation service. Since then, the door-to-door, reservation-based service has been providing, on average, 700 passenger trips per month. Service is available free of charge for all residents 55 and older, including individuals with disabilities.

The Montclair Township Senior Bus operates five days a week. With our shuttle, you can find something for everyone throughout the week. Trips are provided to access social activities, cultural arts/events, classes, exercise groups, lectures, shopping and doctor appointments.

“I am happy to have extended our contract with EZ Ride because our partnership with them has ensured that the Montclair Senior Bus runs smoothly. And I also know we will receive the data we need to make informed decisions, and I can rely on them to provide us with expert feedback as well,” said Katie York, Director of Senior Services/Lifelong Montclair.

Many senior members are pleased with the service. “Other than much-appreciated availability of the service itself, the “gem” of the service had been the drivers – reliable, courteous, and always on-time,” said Augusta Ellen Madyun.

If your town is interested in learning more the senior shuttle program, please contact:

Kinga Skora

(201) 939-4242 ext. 131

[email protected]

VNACJ Clients To Use Ryde4Life Program

Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey, Community Health Center Inc. in Asbury Park is looking forward to working with EZ Ride and using the Ryde4Life program to provide transportation for their clients. VNACJ works with vulnerable populations such as at-risk children, the elderly, and individuals with chronic illness. Their mission is to help individuals and families achieve their best level of well-being by providing compassionate, coordinated, innovative care in their homes and communities. Transportation is often a challenge for their clients because their homes are located far from healthcare facilities, and most of them don’t own a car and could not afford to pay for a taxi service. As a result, many do not get to visit a physician until it’s too late.

VNACJ decided to partner with EZ Ride and launch a pilot transportation program. The goal is to provide reliable transportation for their clients, which would help them access healthcare services. Thanks to a grant from New Jersey Health Initiatives, EZ Ride will set up a dedicated transportation account for VNACJ clients using the Ryde4Life program. VNACJ representatives will contact EZ Ride and arrange transportation for groups or individuals in need of transportation.

For more information about the Ryde4Life program please contact:

Barbara Friedman

(201) 939-4242 ext. 223

[email protected]

Port Authority, Cashless Tolling To Cancel GWB’s Carpool Discount

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey signaled it would go ahead with eliminating the carpool discount in January as it expands cashless tolling technology.

For years, commuters have utilized the carpool discount so they would only pay $6.50 at the George Washington Bridge rather than the $15 standard rate. The Port Authority announced in late September that it wanted to cancel the discount.

With the implementation of cashless tolling, officials contend, the discount would not work because toll workers would not be physically present to count how many occupants are in the car.

The cashless tolling system is being installed at the George Washington Bridge and the Lincoln and Holland tunnels, for a $240 million price tag. Under the new system, the toll booths would be replaced by mounted cameras which will take a picture of the license plate and either send the bill to the registered owner or deduct the funds from an E-ZPass account, if the owner has one.

Kinga Skora

(201) 939-4242 ext. 131

[email protected]

New Jersey Employers Must Offer Employees Pre-Tax Commuter Benefits

Governor Phil Murphy recently signed a bill into law requiring New Jersey employers with at least 20 employees to offer a pre-tax transportation fringe benefit to employees (who are not currently in a collective bargaining agreement) beginning March 1, 2020.

The Federal Government allows employees to set aside $265 per month of pre-tax wages, which can be used for your mass transit commuting costs and parking while reducing your federal taxable income. That means you could save up to $900/year by not paying federal income tax on that salary. If you need to pay for parking to make your transit connection, the parking fees can be funded with pre-tax dollars up to an additional $265 per month.

To take advantage of these tax savings, your employer needs to opt-in to either the NJ TRANSIT Bulk Sales program or one of the programs offered by a third-party provider, like TransitChek by WageWorks. In addition to these programs, payroll service companies like ADP, offer a transit pre-tax benefit option. A common name for the benefit is “commuter tax benefit.”

Commuter tax benefits can be structured as an employee-funded tax-free payroll deduction, as an employer-funded benefit, or employer and employee can share the costs. The benefit can be delivered in the form of transit provider-specific passes or universally accepted vouchers and debit cards.

To help you through the process and provide the information, please contact:

NJ TRANSIT Bulk Sales Program

(973) 491-7288.

Ryde4Life Member – Geraldine

Geraldine and her husband William, have been married for 59 years. Originally from Brooklyn, they moved to Staten Island to raise their family. They moved to New Jersey to be closer to their son and his family. Geraldine and William have five beautiful grandchildren. She enjoys her relationships with them because they always keep her laughing.

Living in New Jersey does not come without challenges. Things got much more comfortable when they joined the Ryde4Life program about a year ago. When William fell ill, it became difficult to get him to his doctor’s appointments.

Geraldine exclaimed, “Thank goodness Ryde4Life is around to get us back and forth when there is not any other option!” Now, they can enjoy spontaneous shopping trips. Geraldine stated that the drivers are all amiable and helpful. She spreads the word about Ryde4Life whenever she can.

For more infromation about Ryde4Life program, please call:

(866) 208-1307, Option 4

NJ TRANSIT Approves Permanent Expansion of Bus Service to American Dream

Since October 25, American Dream opening day, many people have been wondering about parking and transportation options.  Parking at American Dream for less than 30 minutes is free, but after that fees start at $3 for up to three hours and go up from there. Parking for over 8 hours or all day is $24. But if MetLife Stadium is hosting an event, such as a concert or a Giants or Jets game, parking will automatically cost $30.  While many visitors expect to drive, others may want to use public transit options.

NJ TRANSIT has implemented the following bus service:

  • Bus No. 355 which operates daily express service from PABT to the American Dream every 30 minutes.
  • Bus No. 356 which operates daily express service from Secaucus Junction to American Dream every 30 minutes.

To utilize Bus No. 356 express bus service from Secaucus Junction customers may travel on any rail line that serves Secaucus Junction or any of the five NJ TRANST bus routes that serve Secaucus Junction and transfer to Route No. 356 express bus for direct service to American Dream. They are:

  • Bus No. 2, Journal Square to Secaucus
  • Bus No. 78, Newark to Secaucus
  • Bus No. 124, PABT to Secaucus-Harmon Cove
  • Bus No. 129, PABT to Secaucus
  • Bus No. 329, Harmon Cove to Secaucus

Local bus routes which have expanded their operating hours and include stops at American Dream include:

  • Bus No. 85, which operates from Hoboken/Union City to Secaucus;
  • Bus No. 703, which operates from Paterson/Passaic to East Rutherford;
  • Bus No. 772, which operates from Hackensack to the Meadowlands

For more information about bus and train schedules, please contact:

Michael Jensen

(201) 939-4242 ext. 139

[email protected]

A New Year’s Resolution to Stop Idling and Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

January is the time to make plans and set goals for the coming year. Many people make resolutions to get more exercise and eat healthier foods, and these are two healthy practices.

Our Bike & Pedestrian Team works with more than 200 communities during the year to promote walking and biking. This year the team decided to talk about idling, the impact on kids, and the importance of reducing the amount of idling that happens around schools at drop off and pick up. Idling is when the engine in a vehicle is running, but the vehicle is not moving. An idling car produces 20 times more pollution than a car driving 30 mph and kids breathe 50% more air pollution per pound of body weight than adults and are more severely affected because their lungs are still growing. The #1 chronic disease for kids is asthma, and idling and vehicle emissions make asthma worse.

According to the NJ Department of Environmental Protection, “excessive idling causes an unnecessary release of air contaminants into the air in NJ, including fine particulates and air toxins. Every year, hundreds of New Jerseyans die prematurely from exposure to diesel exhaust and fine particle pollution and may cause more deaths in NJ than homicides and car crashes combined”. As a result, NJ law prohibits idling for more than three minutes, and drivers face a $250 fine for the first offense, $500 for a second offense and $1,000 for the third and subsequent violations. The exceptions are for vehicles in traffic, emergency vehicles providing service, and busses discharging or picking up passengers (15-minute idling limit).

For more information, visit:

Complaints about idling vehicles can be made to the DEP’s 24-hour toll-free hotline at:

1-877-WARN DEP


EZ Ride Offers Free Rides for all Asbury Park Residents during Pandemic until December 31, 2020

August 7, 2020

Starting in the month of May 2020, EZ Ride, in conjunction with The Alliance for a Healthier Asbury Park, is using their New Jersey Health Initiatives (NJHI) grant to assist all Asbury Park residents in getting to doctor’s appointments and going for food shopping. As of this writing, subject to availability of funds, this free service will be provided until December 31, 2020.

The Ryde4Life program by EZ Ride uses the transportation services offered by Lyft and Uber and was designed to serve older adults to address their transportation challenges. Since last three years this program has been providing limited number of free rides to the seniors in Asbury Park.  However, due to the challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic, it was expanded to serve all Asbury Park residents aged 18 and over to get to their doctor’s appointments or to go food shopping up to a distance of 15-miles.

The rides are available Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM based on the availability of Lyft and Uber vehicles. Riders must request the ride at least 24 hours in advance and need a working cell phone to connect them with the driver. At the time and day of their appointment, the resident is required to call again to activate their ride.

Doug Schultz, the Director of Social Services in Asbury Park, had several clients who needed to get to a specific clinic just outside the mile limit and reached out to EZ Ride to see if they could help. Because the need for the residents is so great at this time, EZ Ride worked with him and will continue to do so going forward.

“I would like to thank EZ-Ride for their willingness to accommodate our residents with transportation to medical facilities beyond the 15-mile limit to include two Substance Abuse treatment facilities. We are grateful and hope that we will be able to make use of this service during these challenging times,” said Doug Schultz.

EZ Ride hopes to provide trips to as many Asbury Park residents as possible, helping to keep them safe and healthy during these difficult and uncertain times. The expanded program was launched on May 4th, and we are pleased that it is helping many residents of Asbury Park.

For more information, please see the program flyer

Health and Safety of the Riders is the First Priority as EZ Ride Prepares to Re-launch its Shuttle Services

As New Jersey starts re-opening for business, we are ready and prepared to re-launch our shuttle services with the health and safety of our riders as our first priority. EZ Ride is amenable to modifying the route, including providing direct service into New York City. Please keep us posted about your shuttle needs ahead of time, as we would need at least a week to start the service.

As informed earlier, we are taking the following steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19:

  • Requiring all drivers and riders to wear a cloth face covering while on the shuttle
  • Restricting seating to alternate rows to ensure proper social distancing
  • Posting conspicuous signage on shuttles to alert drivers and customers about social distancing requirements
  • Sanitizing all shuttles daily and wiping all frequently touched surfaces.

Please note all riders are required to have a face covering to use our shuttle service.

Some additional measures being implemented in our facility that will add to the overall safety environment for our drivers are as follows:

  • Installation of air scrubbers in all HVAC systems in the building
  • Revisiting package and mail delivery procedures
  • Reducing staff in the office to below 25 percent of pre-pandemic numbers
  • Supporting social distancing by removing the coffee machine and the table/ chairs in the driver lounge area

Be well, and stay safe. We look forward to serving you.

For more information about our safety measures, please contact Avnish Gupta at (201)939-4242×118 or email [email protected].

EZ Ride Shuttles – Your Safety is Our Priority

We are ready and prepared to re-launch our shuttle services and the health and safety of our riders is our priority. We have created a brief video showing the safety precautions being taken by us (link to the video here).

To ensure your safety, we require that all riders wear a face covering when boarding our shuttles and practice social distancing rules by limiting one passenger per row.

Several of our shuttles have already begun their operations. Please visit our shuttle schedules page to check if your service is up and running.

If your company is ready to resume operations, please contact:

Kinga Skora 201-939-4242 Ext.131 or [email protected]

Governor Murphy lifts COVID-19 capacity limits on trains and buses

New Jersey Transit will lift the 50 percent capacity limits on its trains, buses and light rails, as the COVID-19 pandemic slows down in the state and the New York City metro area, and more people begin commuting to work. That also applies to private-carrier buses, trains and light rail vehicles, and Access Link vehicles.

“As we have undertaken our restart and recovery, and as more New Jerseyans begin getting back to their jobs, we are seeing increases in ridership which are beginning to approach 50 percent of the stated maximum capacity of these vehicles, and we want to ensure that people are able to get to their jobs and that the system continues operating as efficiently as possible,” the governor said at his COVID-19 press conference May 6th at the Trenton War Memorial.

Staff and passengers will still have to wear face coverings, Governor Murphy said. Although trains and buses will not automatically jump past the 50 percent cap in most cases, “we anticipate at least at rush hour that will be a reality,” the governor suggested.

Masks need to be worn at any indoor stations, as well as outdoor stations where social distancing “is not practicable,” Murphy added.

Congratulations to the 2020 Winners of the NJ Safe Routes to School Recognition Program!

We are pleased that more than 100 schools and municipalities served by EZ Ride were recognized by the New Jersey Department of Transportation for their Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program and included 51 Gold, 20 Silver, 18 Bronze, and 27 First Step Awardees. These winners are recognized for their commitment and support of the Safe Routes to School program by enabling and encouraging children to walk and bike to school. For a list of all current NJ SRTS winners, click here.

The Safe Routes to School program recognizes awardees for their hard work and commitment to the program, and recognition is valid for three years. Schools and municipalities that have earned NJ SRTS recognition and are also enrolled in the Sustainable Jersey certification program can earn points. Click here for more information.

To learn more about how to qualify for the NJ SRTS Recognition Program and get a head start on applying for recognition next year, please contact:

Lisa Lee

201-939-4242 Ext 123

[email protected]

EZ Ride’s Bike & Pedestrian Team Offers Resources Online

EZ Ride now offers a new Online Bike Safety presentation with videos and a follow-up poster contest and worksheet in English, Spanish, Hindi and Arabic languages, which is available for free for all students.  More than 16,000 students have taken advantage of these presentations. To review the presentation click here. We have made changes to our current safety presentations and added safety tips regarding Covid-19 to ensure the importance of social distancing is highlighted.

EZ Ride also has created a new Library of more than 150 curated Bike and Pedestrian resources that include videos, activities, and information for students, parents, and adults who want to promote biking,  walking,  and traffic safety. Click here to check out the resources available.

During this summer season more people are out walking and biking in their neighborhoods. EZ Ride’s top priority is to ensure they are doing so in the safest and healthiest way.

EZ Ride offers “Safe Routes to School Travel Toolkit”

The Safe Routes to School Travel Toolkit, provides information about the commute to school options in the context of COVID-19 and especially addresses safety and social distancing plans. The toolkit was sent to more than 1,000 school principals and administrators in EZ Ride’s service area that could benefit more than 500,000 students and their families. To access the Tollkit click here.

The toolkit is designed to help and keep pedestrians and bicyclists informed and safe. It includes five distinct sections: walking, biking, busing, driving, and school access points and each section also provides suggestions and benefits.

The toolkit could help:

  • Students – Be safe when travelling to and from school
  • School administrators – Face the challenges with the reopening of schools
  • Parents – Alleviate their anxiety about the reopening of schools

For more information please call Lisa Lee

201939-4242 Ext.123 or  email:  [email protected]

Voices for Healthy Kids Policy Campaign Grants $50K-$200K

The Voices for Healthy Kids’ mission is to support, drive and inform local, state and tribal policy change efforts that will dramatically improve the health of children who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian and Alaskan Native or from families who have low income through campaigns, partnerships/networks, research and communications.
The Policy Campaign Grant is designed to support strategic issue advocacy campaigns supporting Voices for Healthy Kids policy priorities with a focus on health equity. Applications must be specific to an individual campaign for public policy change in one state, city, town or county, or tribal nation.
Applications should focus on public policy changes to reduce health disparities for children in urban, suburban or rural settings who are Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, and Alaskan Native or from families who have low income.
This call for applications has a narrowed list of current policy issues to ensure a balanced grant portfolio.
We will accept applications on the following policy issues:
  • Sugary Drink Tax and Investment
  • Healthier Options at Restaurants
  • School Food Access and Healthy Quality
  • Early Care and Education Security
  • Head Start/Early Head Start
  • Water Access in Schools
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Expansion and Nutrition Incentives
Information and the application for the Policy Campaign Grant are online. All applications will be submitted in this system and registration is required. Please follow these simple steps to register:
  • Visit and in the lower right corner of the webpage, click the create account now button. Be sure to use Google Chrome as this site does not work with Internet Explorer.
  • Complete the eligibility quiz.
  • If your organization is eligible you will then need to complete a registration form for your organization and individual information.
  • Once submitted, your registration will be reviewed and approved within 24 hours.
We appreciate your support in sharing this opportunity with organizations working on local, state or tribal advocacy campaigns. Together, we can make each day healthier for all children. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

Diana E. Fainberg

President                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Diana E. Fainberg Associates, LLC

Diana Fainberg is a professional planner specializing in property evaluation, land use and development planning, zoning analysis, environmental and transportation issues and regulatory controls. She is experienced in preparing and managing applications for Planning Board approvals and other local, State and Federal permits, selecting and directing consultant teams and serving as a liaison with community and governmental agencies. Ms. Fainberg provides consultant services primarily to property owners and developers.

Ms. Fainberg’s development projects have included managing approvals for a 1278-unit residential and retail project on the Hoboken waterfront and a 290,000 square foot office complex in Somerset County. She has been responsible for coordination and direction of local partners and consultants in the approvals, leasing and development of a new 25-acre Town Center in Montgomery, County, Maryland. Ms. Fainberg has also provided due diligence analyses for a potential land acquisition by the Chubb Corporation in Connecticut.

Ms. Fainberg held the position of Senior Vice President in the Planning Department of Bellemead Development Corporation, serving l5 years with the firm. She was responsible for planning and approvals for numerous office and residential projects. She continues to assist Bellemead in matters relating to regulatory analysis, property development and disposition.

Ms. Fainberg is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and a licensed Professional Planner in New Jersey. She is a former chairman of the Meadowlands Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Meadowlands Transportation Brokerage Association. Ms. Fainberg is also a member of the New Jersey Chapter of the National Association of Industrial and Office Properties, where she serves on the Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Committees.

Ms. Fainberg is a graduate of Clark University and holds an M.B.A. from Columbia University

Scott Bogren

Executive Director                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Community Transportation Association of America

Community Transportation Association of America Executive Director Scott Bogren has been working with, writing about and covering the community and public transportation industry for nearly three decades. His experience with CTAA includes being Editor-in-Chief of Community Transportation magazine; crafting the Association’s various legislative, policy and regulatory positions on Capitol Hill; and shaping CTAA’s communications, training and leadership activities.

Scott is a proud graduate of Indiana University’s Journalism program, Scott lives in Germantown, Md., with his wife Beth and their two children Riley and Ella. In his spare time he like sports, kayaking and reading.


William Riviere

Principal Planner                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          New Jersey Department of Transportation

William Riviere is a principal planner for the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Safe Routes to School Coordinator for the NJDOT’s Bureau of Safety, Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs. As the lead administrator for NJDOT’s Local Technical Assistance Program for bicycle and pedestrian projects, Mr. Riviere provides guidance and expertise in creating streets as corridors for all modes of transportation for all ages and abilities.

As the New Jersey Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Mr. Riviere oversees the technical assistance program working closely with the Safe Routes Resource Center at Rutgers and all eight New Jersey Transportation Management Associations.

Tom Schulze

Executive Director                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Center for Community Planning

Tom Schulze, is Lead Coordinator for the Urban Essex Coalition for Smart Growth, an effort in Newark, East Orange, and Orange.  He is also the Executive Director of the Center for Community Planning, a newly created non-profit community planning group providing planning services to communities throughout New Jersey and he directs the Community Planning Assistance Program for the New Jersey Chapter of the American Planning Association.

Mr. Schulze has been a City Planner in the NJ/NY area for almost 40 years.  He recently retired as Senior Director for Capital Planning at NJ TRANSIT.

Prior to working for NJ TRANSIT he was the Executive Director of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) in New York City.  He has also worked for local and regional governments, including the City of New York, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and NJ TRANSIT, where he did the planning for the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Line.  He has worked for private consulting firms, and consulted for local community development corporations and non-profit housing development groups in and around Newark, New Jersey.

Mr. Schulze is an adjunct professor at Hunter College and Rutgers University Graduate Planning Programs.  He has a Bachelor’s Degree from Rutgers University and Master’s Degree from Hunter College in New York City.

Avnish Gupta

COO & General Counsel – EZ Ride

Avnish Gupta is an attorney with diverse management and executive experience.  Prior to his current position, Avnish worked as an Associate with a law firm in Pennsylvania, managed law practice in India, and served in the Indian Army as a Commissioned Officer.  Avnish combines his legal and risk management skills with men and material management experience to bring a unique perspective to various business, legal and HR issues. Avnish also serves on the Board of Directors of Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance. Avnish is a graduate of the National Defense Academy (Bachelor of Science), the Indian Military Academy, Delhi University Law Centre (Bachelor of Laws) and Georgetown University Law Center (Master of Laws).

Krishna Murthy

President & CEO – EZ Ride

Krishna Murthy has a multidisciplinary background in management, planning, engineering, and business. Krishna is a graduate of the National Defense Academy (NDA) and the Indian Military Academy (IMA) and served as an officer in the Indian Army. Before joining EZ Ride, he worked as a Research Assistant at the University Transportation Research Center (UTRC) at City College, New York. Krishna has an MBA from Columbia Business School, an MS in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from the City University of New York, and an MS in City & Regional Planning from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.

Hailey Graf, AICP

Principal Facilities Planner                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NJ Transit

Hailey Graf is a Principal Facilities Planner in NJ TRANSIT’s Strategic Planning Program. Her work for the agency includes enhancing bicycle and pedestrian access to transit facilities, bus service redesigns, and rail planning projects. With experience in micro-mobility and transit service planning, she aims to improve transit access and mobility for all users. Hailey holds a Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning and Design, with a focus in Community Sustainability from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University.


Sal Gentile

Executive Vice President                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc.

Mr. Gentile joined Hartz Mountain Industries in 1989 rising to the position of Executive Vice-President of Operations. Currently oversees all design, engineering, construction, and property management functions within one of the country’s largest privately owned real estate organizations.  Prior to Hartz he was employed by Williams Real Estate from 1985-1989 within the Property Management Department.

Mr. Gentile is a graduate of Hofstra University and a graduate of NYU School of Continuing Education in Construction Management.

Mr. Gentile has been a member of EZ Ride’s board since 2015.

Sandra Bleckman

Director, Health Services, Strategy and Workforce Partnerships                                                                                                                                                                                                                     New Jersey Council of County Colleges

Sandra Bleckman is Director Health Services, Strategy and Workforce Partnerships at the New Jersey Council of County Colleges. Before her recent appointment, Bleckman was previously the Senior Project Manager, Employer Outreach & Partnerships. She has worked with the council since August 2020.

Ms. Bleckman is an adjunct professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University and has taught there since 2014. She also worked as the Director of Leisure & Hospitality Industry Partnerships & Talent Development Center at FDU from 2013-19. She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Clark University and an MA in Administrative Sciences from FDU.

In addition, Ms. Bleckman has earned a certification in Hotel Industry Analytics from FDU, Human Resources Management, also from FDU, and in Teaching Adult Learners from Camden County College. She also worked as Vice President of Foundation Development & Relations at Landmark Hospitality, as an alumni admissions interviewer for Clark University and a membership advisor at Equinox and Assistant Personnel Officer for the County of Bergen.

Sandra has served as a board member for the National Association for Catering & Events. She is also a member of the Essex County Disabilities Issues Committees as well as an advisory board member to Union City High School, Union County Vo Tech and Hudson County Community College. Sandra also sits on the Board of the NJ Tourism Industry Association, the Essex County Workforce Development Board as well as EZ Ride.

Michael Vieira

Director of Special Transportation Services                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Essex County Division of Training and Employment

Michael Vieira is the Director of Special Transportation Services for Essex County and has served in the position for more than 34 years. He is responsible for the county’s community transportation programs for senior citizens, the disabled and the economically disadvantaged.

Mr. Vieira is also involved in state and national community transportation organizations. Mr. Vieira is President of the New Jersey Council on Special Transportation  and a member of the Community Transportation Association of America based in Washington, DC where he shares his transportation expertise with other transportation agencies throughout the country.

Mr. Vieira is a member of the Livingston Township Council where he has served since 2019. He has also volunteered on the Livingston Transportation Advisory Committee, Vision 20/20, Complete Streets, Bi-Partisan Advisory Committee on Appointments and Livingston Zoning Board of Adjustment.  In addition, he is a member of the Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs. He attended Rutgers University in Newark.

James Kirkos

President & CEO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Meadowlands Chamber

After a 23 year career as a foodservice and hospitality entrepreneur, Jim has served as President & Chief Executive Officer of the Meadowlands Chamber since June of 2002. The Chamber’s mission is to accelerate economic, community and business development by providing its membership with networking & relationship building opportunities; destination & tourism marketing services; business education and leadership training; legislative and public affairs advocacy, and workforce development initiatives to business members throughout the greater Meadowlands region.
Jim initiated a strategic planning process that focused the organization’s activities on delivering membership value and an increased visible leadership position on critical advocacy initiatives. In 2004 Jim led the way for the establishment of the Meadowlands Liberty Convention & Visitors Bureau within the Chamber to address the economic impact that tourism and destination marketing could have on the Meadowlands regional economy. The Chamber and CVB play an integral part in bringing major events like the Super Bowl and WrestleMania to MetLife Stadium in the Meadowlands.
Jim has served on the New Jersey Transit Advisory Council, the New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority Stakeholders Committee and is currently serving the Bergen Leads Advisory Board, The Center for Excellence at FDU, and the Felician College Business Advisory Board. Jim was elected to the national board of Destination Marketing Association International (DMAI) based in Washington DC in January of 2014
Jim attended Montclair State University and Fairleigh Dickinson University majoring in Business Administration and Accounting.

Michael Russo

Assistant Commissioner                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Planning, MultiModel & Grant Administration                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT)

Michael Russo was appointed to the position of Assistant Commissioner in August 2017. Mike is responsible for managing approximately 230 employees in the Divisions of Statewide Planning, Multimodal Services, Local Aid and Economic Development, Environmental Resources, and the Bureau of Transportation Data and Safety.

Mike has 34 years with NJDOT beginning his career as a Civil Engineer Trainee in the Region 3 Design Office working primarily on projects along the Route 1 corridor. Most recently Mike served as Director of Local Aid and Economic Development leading a team of professional and administrative staff in five Local Aid offices responsible for the Department’s $530 million Local Aid program.

Earlier in his career Mike served in various capacities including Project Engineer of a Roadway Design Squad, District Engineer of the Freehold Local Aid Office, and Manager of the Bureau of Design Coordination and Geometric Design. Mike also served in the Division of Project Planning and Development managing Concept Development and Feasibility Assessment efforts on projects throughout the state including the I-295/Route 42/I- 76 Direct Connection Project.

Mike received a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Miami in 1983 and resides in Columbus with his wife and two children.

Lisa Lee

Director, Sustainability Programs

Lisa connects and encourages stakeholders to use policy, environment and system change to create safer and healthier places to live, work, study, and play.  Serves as the regional Safe Routes to School Coordinator for Monmouth, Bergen, and the urban parts of Essex, Union, and Passaic Counties. Lisa assists communities to conduct Street Smart NJ pedestrian and driver safety campaigns, walk/bike audits, and writes travel plans for municipalities and schools to apply for New Jersey Department of Transportation grants.  Works on walking, biking and Complete Streets policies, infrastructure change, and tactical urbanism demo projects to support safe active transportation.  Helps promote walk and roll to school days, walking school busses/bike trains, wellness councils, community gardens, and healthy corner store/barbershop partnerships. Lisa developed Healthy Community initiatives/coalitions in Asbury Park, Long Branch, Farmingdale, Plainfield, Belmar and Fanwood-Scotch Plains.

Lisa is a League of American Bicyclists Cycling Instructor and received a B.A. from Wellesley College, an executive M.P.A. from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and a Master of Divinity degree from Alliance Theological Seminary.  Currently studying Urban Planning at Rutgers University Bloustein School.

Kinga Skora

Deputy Director, Marketing & Sales

Kinga serves as the Deputy Director of Marketing & Sales at EZ Ride, a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating transportation barriers for disadvantaged populations. She is the primary lead for EZ Ride’s marketing efforts, which include a highly successful monthly newsletter, “The Transporter,” with more than 3,000 readers and an annual recognition event, “Champions for Change,” that attracts over 300 attendees. These and other marketing initiatives have helped EZ Ride to:

–  Develop an extensive 24/7 shuttle service program serving more than 500 riders daily

–  Grow a statewide transportation program for older adults using Lyft and Uber, which is set to provide over 100,000 rides this year

With growing concerns about safety and climate change, Kinga will once again lead the marketing efforts for EZ Ride’s fleet electrification and workplace charging programs. Kinga holds a degree in Management & Marketing from Montclair State University.


Congratulations to the City of Passaic for Earning Gold Level Electric Vehicle Leadership (EVAL) Certification

EZ Ride   |  The Transporter |  August, 2024


The City of Passaic has proudly earned Gold Level EVAL Certification in recognition of its outstanding efforts to advance clean transportation opportunities for employees commuting to and from work.

The City has demonstrated a strong commitment to sustainable transportation by installing three Level-2 EV chargers and designating six EV-ready parking spaces for employees and residents. These initiatives are aimed at promoting and encouraging the use of electric vehicles within the community. The chargers, equipped with scheduling and waitlist capabilities, have been strategically installed at two locations: near City Hall and the WIC Clinic on St. Francis Street. The six EV-ready spaces feature clear signage and pavement markings, ensuring easy access for both staff and the public. See City of Passaic Press Release

Mayor Lora states, “With transportation being a major contributor to air pollution, providing EV charging infrastructure to the City of Passaic encourages more residents and businesses to switch to electric vehicles, thereby contributing to a healthier environment. Our goal is to gradually replace our gasoline-powered vehicles with electric ones, in line with New Jersey’s legislative commitment to end the purchase of new gas vehicles in the near future. This transition will not only reduce the city’s carbon footprint but also lead to long-term cost savings in fuel and maintenance.”

EZ Ride congratulates the City of Passaic, Mayor Hector Lora, and City Administrator Rick Fernandez for their pioneering efforts in advancing clean transportation and will present the award certificates to the City of Passaic on September 26, 2024, at their Annual Recognition Event.

EVAL (Electric Vehicle Adoption Leadership) is a national workplace EV charging certification program managed by FORTH, a non-profit organization based in Oregon, and supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. EZ Ride is leading the promotion of this program in New Jersey.

The EVAL program is designed to assist, certify, and celebrate employers and businesses committed to providing clean transportation opportunities for their employees. It offers certification for a variety of initiatives, including the provision of electric vehicle (EV) charging, carpooling options, biking, public transportation, and incentives for sustainable commuting. EVAL certification is available at no cost until October 2024. Interested applicants can access the certification process by logging in or creating an account at

For more information, please email [email protected] or contact Lisa Lee or Stan Jaracz at (201) 939-4242, Extension 6.


Upcoming EV Events:

  • August 18, Metuchen Street Fair and EV Showcase                                                                                                                                                                                                            11:00 am – 3:00 pm | Register
  • September 12, EVAL Webinar – Be An EV Pioneer & Get Certified                                                                                                                                                                             1:00 pm – 1:30 pm | Register
  • September 21, Drive Electric Week – West Windsor 2024                                                                                                                                                                                          12:00 pm – 4:00 pm | Register
  • September 28, The Highlands Green Fair and EV Car Show                                                                                                                                                                                      11:00 am – 2:00 pm | Register
  • September 29, EV Show @ Hunterdon Land Trust Farmers Market                                                                                                                                                                         9:00 am – 1:00 pm | Register



NJDEP and EZ Ride Launch Free Weekend Shuttle Service in Liberty State Park

EZ Ride  |  The Transporter |  August 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) has awarded a contract to EZ Ride to launch a free weekend pilot shuttle service for visitors of Liberty State Park. This shuttle service is part of the NJDEP’s revitalization work at the park to restore and enhance natural features; provide active outdoor recreation activities; add arts, cultural, and community spaces; expand passive recreation opportunities; improve transportation to and within the park; and improve and build resilience to climate change.

Service Details

The shuttle service launched as a pilot program running from July 19 to September 29, 2024. A ridership survey will be available in August and be conducted onboard at select times, and more widely released online. Rider satisfaction and feedback will inform adjustments for the pilot and future shuttle services.

Route: Two shuttles, one with a wheelchair lift, are operating along a scenic loop with stops at key points of interest, including:

Schedule: The Shuttle Pilot Program operates on Saturdays, Sundays, and select holidays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., with additional service during special events.

“Liberty State Park is the most visited state park in New Jersey and an important recreational resource for area residents,” said Commissioner LaTourette. “Throughout DEP’s robust public engagement process, many have expressed the need for better connectivity between Liberty State Park’s amenities. This free shuttle service seeks to fulfill that need and better serve surrounding communities. Inclusivity has always been a priority of the revitalization program and we are thrilled to offer this service that will make getting around this iconic park more convenient for all.

For more information about the pilot shuttle service, call (201) 939-4242 option 1, or visit the EZ Ride website.


EZ Ryde4Life Program Hits Major Milestone: Over 10,000 Rides in July!

EZ Ride  |  The Transporter  |  August 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                            __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

On July 26, 2024, the EZ Ryde4Life program celebrated an extraordinary achievement—surpassing 10,000 rides in a single month, with several days remaining! Since its inception in 2018, when we provided just 10,000 rides, the program has grown tenfold, delivering over 100,000 rides in 2024 alone.

In New Jersey, all 21 counties and numerous municipalities offer free transportation for seniors and disabled residents. However, due to limited government resources, the EZ Ryde4Life program steps in to supplement these services at a relatively low cost. We currently partner with agencies in Essex, Bergen, and Monmouth counties to provide rides for their residents.

Additionally, several nonprofits have teamed up with us to meet the transportation needs of their clients, staff, and volunteers. These organizations recognize the potential of our innovative approach to operating, managing, and financing transportation systems, allowing them to better serve their communities.

More than 95% of our rides are funded by nonprofit, county, and municipal partners. For some of the remaining 5% without sponsors, EZ Ryde4Life offers up to 16 discounted rides each month for just $5 per ride. We also provide an additional 16 rides for dialysis patients.

The success of the EZRyde4Life program can be attributed to its simplicity, ease of use, quick launch, and scalability. We offer customized services tailored to the operational needs and budgets of our partners, all without requiring long-term commitments.

Currently, rides are provided through Lyft and Uber vehicles, with plans to expand to additional providers in the future. Our customized software, Qryde, has been instrumental in meeting the growing operational needs of our clients. We also owe a debt of gratitude to our public sector partners, NJ TRANSIT and North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA), who help defray a significant portion of the program’s administrative costs.

EZ Ride is promoting the EZ Ryde4Life program at several events, where our staff will be available to provide details and answer questions. Join us at the upcoming Annual Bergen County Senior Festival on September 12 at Van Saun County Park in Paramus, New Jersey.

For more information about EZ Ryde4Life, please email [email protected] or call Kinga Skora at (201) 939-4242 ext. 131.


$8.1 Million SRTS Infrastructure Grants Awarded to Nine EZ Ride Communities to Make Walking and Biking to School Safer

EZ Ride  |  The Transporter |  August 2024                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nine municipalities in EZ Ride’s service area have been awarded $8.1 million in federal Safe Routes to School (SRTS) infrastructure funding, representing 39 percent of the $21,068,000 awarded to 23 communities in New Jersey.

The grants will fund various safety improvements, including high-visibility crosswalks, sidewalks, curb extensions, pedestrian bridges, new traffic signals, signage, lighting, and bike parking. The grants awarded to the nine communities include:

  • Township of Belleville: $962,000 for Belleville Public Schools Pedestrian Safety Project
  • Essex County/Township of Verona: $436,000 for a signal at County Rt 636/Lakeside Ave. & Pease Ave.
  • Freehold Borough: $972,000 for the Freehold Borough Safe Routes to School Project
  • Keyport Borough: $749,000 for Maple Place, W 4th Street, St. Peters Place & St. George Place SRTS Improvements
  • Township of Nutley: $557,000 for a School Intersection Improvement Project
  • City of Orange Township: $912,000 for the Lincoln Avenue School Safety Project
  • City of Passaic: $1,089,000 for Parker Ave. & Van Buren St. Improvements Project
  • Township of Teaneck: $1,500,000 for a pedestrian bridge over the CSX Railroad
  • Township of West Orange: $966,000 for the Gregory Ave. & Lowell Ave. SRTS Project

Prior to receiving the infrastructure grants, the nine communities had promoted safe walking and biking to school and have received SRTS recognition awards

  • Belleville: Gold municipal award and seven Gold school awards in 2024
  • Freehold Borough: Gold municipal award in 2023
  • Keyport: Bronze municipal award in 2024
  • Orange: Gold municipal award in 2022 and seven Gold school awards in 2023
  • Passaic: Gold municipal award and two Gold school awards in 2024
  • Teaneck: Silver municipal award and one Silver school award in 2023, and two Bronze school awards in 2024
  • Verona: Silver School award in 2024, two Silver and one Bronze school award in 2023
  • West Orange: Gold municipal awards in 2024 & 2022, two Gold school awards in 2024, and six Gold school awards in 2023

The Safe Routes to School program is instrumental in supporting active transportation for students in grades K-12. It aims to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution near schools, creating safer and healthier environments for children. The infrastructure improvements funded by these grants are anticipated to have a significant positive impact on these communities, providing safer, healthier, and more appealing transportation options for all students, including those with disabilities.

For more information and to learn how to get involved, please contact EZ Ride’s Bike and Pedestrian team at (201) 939-4242 ext. 3.


Upcoming Bike-Ped Events

  • August 22, OVPTR Newark E-Scooter Class                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5:15pm – 5:50 pm | Register
  • August 23, Newark E-Scooter Class                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3:00 pm – 4:00 pm | Register
  • August 28, Prospect Park & EZ Ride Learn 2 Ride Class                                                                                                                                                                                               9:30 am – 12:00 pm | Register
  • September 14, Washington Township Library Safety Event                                                                                                                                                                                         9:00 am – 10:15 am | Register


NJ Plug-In Electric Vehicle Registrations and the Importance of Workplace Charging

The landscape of electric vehicles (EVs) in New Jersey is evolving rapidly. As of June 2024, there were 183,945 electric vehicles registered across the state. This figure includes both Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs). The largest concentrations of EVs are found in Bergen and Middlesex counties, with more than 26,800 and 22,800 vehicles, respectively.

Despite these encouraging numbers, the market share of EVs as a percentage of new vehicle sales saw a slight decline, dropping from 12.2% in 2023 to 11.6% in 2024. While the affordability and range of EVs have improved significantly, challenges such as declining resale values and the high costs of repairs and insurance remain a concern for potential buyers.

Emphasizing Workplace Charging Infrastructure

As we navigate these developments, it’s crucial to underscore the pivotal role of workplace charging infrastructure in fostering EV adoption. Access to convenient and reliable charging solutions is a major factor influencing consumer willingness to transition to electric vehicles. Investing in workplace charging facilities is essential to facilitate widespread adoption and support the transition towards sustainable transportation. and Charge@Work are leading the charge in promoting workplace charging initiatives. They offer a suite of resources designed to assist organizations in integrating electric vehicle charging into their operations.

Kickstart Your Workplace Charging Initiative

Are you wondering how to get started with your workplace charging initiative? Join us for an informative webinar hosted by Best Workplaces for Commuters at the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR), University of South Florida (USF).

For more information, contact us at [email protected] or call (201) 939-4242, ext. 6, and ask for Stan or Lisa.

Together, we can drive the change towards a cleaner, more sustainable transportation future.



NJDEP Approves EZ Ride Application for Electric Vehicle Charging Grant

As part of our commitment to sustainability and reducing our carbon footprint, EZ Ride is pleased to announce that our application for the “It Pays to Plug In” grant has been approved. This grant will support the installation of 20 electric vehicle (EV) charging units, facilitating the transition of our shuttle fleet from gas-powered to battery-electric vehicles.

The approved charging infrastructure includes twenty 80 Amp Level 2 units, which will be instrumental in powering our future EV fleet. EZ Ride plans to utilize Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) from Leviton, an American manufacturer of electrical wiring equipment in North America, networked by AmpUp, a brand-agnostic provider. AmpUp’s technology allows for remote control and power load management, ensuring the seamless operation of our charging network.

By investing in an electric vehicle fleet and collaborating with NJDEP on this initiative, EZ Ride demonstrates our commitment to sustainability in both word and action. Soon, our new electric shuttles will continue to provide the reliable service our riders depend on, while significantly reducing our environmental impact. Together, we are driving towards a cleaner, greener New Jersey.

For more information about our EV initiatives, please contact [email protected] or call 201-939-4242 ext. 6

Bryan Electric Leads the Charge with Platinum EVAL Certification

EZ Ride is proud to recognize Bryan Electric for achieving the Platinum EV Adoption Leadership (EVAL) certification, a distinction that highlights employers committed to sustainability and emissions-free transportation. The Platinum level, the highest awarded, reflects Bryan Electric’s leadership in promoting eco-friendly commuting and expanding electric vehicle (EV) charging access.

Founded in 1980, Bryan Electric has been at the forefront of EV charger installation for over a decade, partnering with more than 100 New Jersey municipalities, NJ TRANSIT, and the NJ Turnpike Authority. To date, they have installed over 900 EV chargers throughout the state, from Sussex County to Cape May. Notably, Bryan Electric is the only New Jersey-based installer and Small Business Enterprise on the state’s EV infrastructure contract.

The company’s expertise extends beyond installation; they offer full-service solutions for all brands and types of EV chargers, ensuring projects are cost-efficient and completed on time. As a Channel Partner of ChargePoint, Bryan Electric provides customized charging stations that can feature local government branding, offer free or paid charging options, and be listed on national EV charging apps to boost visibility.

“EV Charging is our business, and supporting sustainable solutions is key to reducing environmental impact,” said Tim Bryant Jr., President of Bryan Electric. “Our commitment to supporting electric vehicles helps ensure we’re always ahead of the curve when it comes to environmental impact.”

Bryan Electric’s work aligns with EZ Ride’s mission to promote cleaner, greener, and more efficient transportation systems. For more information, please contact [email protected] or call 201-939-4242 ext. 6.


Funding Opportunity

Community Change Grant Program

Due – November 21, 2024

EZ Ride Partners with O.C.E.A.N. Inc. to Serve Ocean County Veterans

EZ Ride is proud to announce our collaboration with O.C.E.A.N., Inc. to provide essential transportation services to veterans in Ocean County through our EZ Ryde4Life program. This initiative, made possible by funding secured by Congressman Andy Kim, currently supports over 100 veterans in the area.

Ocean County, home to New Jersey’s highest concentration of older adults, faces significant public transportation challenges. Our EZ Ryde4Life program offers a vital solution for elderly and disabled veterans who struggle with travel to appointments and activities.

Channell Wilkins, President & CEO of O.C.E.A.N., Inc., emphasizes the importance of this service: “The ride program offers a solution to the many difficulties elderly and disabled veterans have when traveling to and from appointments and other activities. Providing these services to veterans honors their service and ensures they will be able to access the care they need through this quality EZ Ride transportation option.”

Through EZ Ryde4Life, veterans can easily access transportation for medical appointments, errands and social engagements. This program has been instrumental in reducing isolation, maintaining independence and enhancing overall quality of life for many veterans. With help just a phone call away, we’re making a significant difference in their lives.

We are pleased about the positive impact of this partnership and invite other organizations to explore how EZ Ryde4Life can benefit their communities. For more information or to implement the program in your area, please call Kinga Skora at (201) 939-4242 ext. 131 or email [email protected].

At EZ Ride, we’re committed to providing accessible, reliable transportation solutions that improve lives and strengthen communities.

Englewood Police Partner with EZ Ride to Address Speeding Concerns Near Dwight Morrow High School

Speeding along Knickerbocker Road, a busy county road near Dwight Morrow High School in Englewood, has become a growing concern. Many students walk and bike along this route, increasing the risks posed by speeding traffic as they travel to and from school.

In response to requests from the community, EZ Ride conducted a comprehensive Speed Study from May 13 to June 10. Using a portable radar sign, the study gathered detailed data on vehicle speeds. While the posted speed limit was 25 mph, the data revealed that the average speed was 33 mph, with the highest recorded speed reaching a staggering 65 mph.

This data offers valuable insights that can be leveraged to enhance municipal traffic management:

  • Law Enforcement: The data provides specific time frames and locations where speeding is most prevalent, enabling the police to target their enforcement efforts more effectively during peak violation periods.
  • Traffic Engineers: The findings could support recommendations to reduce the speed limit in the school zone from 25 mph to 15-20 mph. This would enhance pedestrian safety, particularly for students. Additionally, signage and pavement markings could be strategically added to alert drivers and encourage safer speeds.
  • Infrastructure Improvements: Based on the data, proven safety countermeasures suggested by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) could be implemented. These include narrowing lanes to create dedicated bike lanes, adding road diets, speed humps, or medians to slow traffic, and installing chicanes—landscaped features that divert and reduce vehicle speeds.

The data from this Speed Study not only highlights the need for immediate action but also serves as a foundation for long-term traffic management strategies. By addressing speeding proactively, the community can improve safety for students and other pedestrians, ensuring a safer and more sustainable transportation environment.

If you are interested in conducting a Speed Study in your community, email

[email protected] or call 201-939-4242 ext. 3.


Upcoming Bicycle & Pedestrian/Safety Event

  • October 9, National Walk Bike and Roll to School Day                                                                                                                                                                                                          All day | Register


  • October 12, Rochelle Park – Learn to Ride Safe Bike Skills Classes                                                                                                                                                                              8:30 am – 11:15 am | Register

Robert R. Ceberio

President – RCM Ceberio, LLC

Robert Ceberio has been the president of RCM Ceberio in Wayne, a strategic planning and management consulting firm, since 2011. The firm assists public and private clients to meet and achieve their goals and objectives in terms of projects, plans and policies and develops strategies to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic trend or a new social, financial, or political environment.

Prior to starting his own firm, Mr. Ceberio has also held various positions with the former New Jersey Meadowlands Commission, where he worked for 30 years including as executive director from 2002-10 and deputy executive director from 1996-2002. In addition, he served as the commission’s Director of Planning & Management, Director of Administration, Deputy Director of Administration, Administrator of Solid Waste Rates  and Acting Chief Fiscal Officer. He also served as a member of the New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority from 1976-1981, a state agency that managers sports and exposition operations.

Mr. Ceberio has a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s in public administration from Fairleigh Dickinson University. He also taught public administration courses at Rutgers University and Fairleigh Dickinson and is a longtime member of the Wayne Board of Education. Ceberio also worked with Assemblyman Vincent Prieto (D-Hudson) and Sen. Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen) on controversial legislation that transformed the former Meadowlands Commission and merged it with the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority.

Eric Derer

Facilities Planner – NJ TRANSIT

Eric Derer is a Facilities Planner at NJ TRANSIT. His work at the agency includes bus network redesign projects, station parking information and database management, and facilities access studies. Previously, Eric worked at Cross County Connection TMA. With his experience in bicycle and pedestrian planning and transit network studies, Eric hopes to develop strong and resilient transit options while connecting all users to reliable transit service. Eric holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in City and Regional Planning from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University.

Kent E. Hansen

Senior Staff Attorney – Pro Bono Partnership, Inc.

Kent E. Hansen, Senior Staff Attorney (New Jersey office), has many years’ experience as a corporate generalist.

He previously served as Executive Vice President, Administration, General Counsel and Secretary of Fedders Corporation for more than twenty years. In addition to the law department, he led the company’s Human Resources Department and the real estate and insurance functions. He is admitted to the bar in New Jersey and is a graduate of Rutgers University and St. John’s University School of Law.

William J. Heller

Of Counsel – Genova Burns, LLC

Bill J. Heller, Esq., joins Genova Burns as Of Counsel after a years brief sabbatical following his tenure as the Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the New York Football Giants.

Bill brings with him a wealth of legal expertise cultivated over a distinguished career that spans both private practice and in-house counsel roles. In addition to his other areas of experience and concentration, Bill will transition into the role of a mediator, facilitating alternative dispute resolution for litigating parties. His commitment to efficient and effective resolution aligns with the firm’s dedication to providing strategic legal solutions.

As the former Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the New York Football Giants, Bill was responsible for and oversaw all legal affairs of the team. Bill’s contributions were pivotal in shaping the legal landscape for one of the NFL’s original and storied franchises. His responsibilities encompassed focus on sports law issues and on diverse areas ranging from licensing and sponsor agreements to labor and employment issues and privacy. His in-house tenure also extended to assisting in legal matters related to the operation of MetLife Stadium.

Prior to his impactful role with the Giants, Bill dedicated thirty-two years to private practice, where he specialized in substantial litigation and transactional engagements. His proficiency in negotiating and licensing intellectual property, including high technology agreements and privacy issues, distinguished him as a leading figure in these fields.

Bill’s litigation experience is marked by a focus on complex employment discrimination, commercial, technology, and intellectual property cases. Notable among his achievements are successful representations in trade secrets disputes and counseling for defense contractors, and software copyright infringement, and trademark infringement.

Throughout his career, Bill has garnered recognition as one of the leading lawyers in both New Jersey and the nation. His leadership extended beyond legal practice, holding high-level management positions within his previous law firms and contributing to the overall strategic direction of their businesses.

Bill’s commitment to social responsibility is evident through his extensive volunteer and charitable activities. He is the founding President of the Wyckoff (NJ) Education Foundation, has served on the Board of the former Gilda’s House, and consistently provides legal expertise to various organizations and individuals on a pro bono basis.

Admitted to the bar in 1978, Bill is a member of the New Jersey bar and various federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court. A graduate of Rutgers University with an A.B. degree in Economics, he earned High Distinction in Economics, Magna Cum Laude, and Phi Beta Kappa honors.

Bill’s legacy is not only marked by legal prowess but also by his commitment to excellence, leadership, and the principled pursuit of justice.


Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution Intellectual Property


Professional Services


  • Rutgers University, Bachelor of Arts, Economics
  • University of Pennsylvania Law School, J.D., 1978

Bar Admission

  • New Jersey, 1978

Nadereh Moini, Ph. D.P.E.

Chief of Transportation – New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority

Dr. Nadereh (Nady) Moini currently is the chief of transportation at the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority (NJSEA). Prior to that, she was a research assistant professor in the College of Urban Planning and Public Affair (CUPPA) of University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and senior transportation system engineer at Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) in Rutgers University, the State university of New Jersey.

She has diverse scholar and field experiences in planning, design, and assessment of transportation systems and application of the state-of-the-art technologies. She has been conducting and managing several transportation studies and projects in transit rail safety and security, pedestrian/cyclists safety and mobility, freight movements, ITS design and planning, port planning and management, traffic simulation, rail transit, highway and transit safety during the past ten years working at transportation centers in academia and more than five years working in industry. She has performed and directed projects in the development of models to mitigate truck congestion in the vicinity of marine container terminals and to reduce air pollution by utilizing mobile on-street parking guidance systems. Her experience includes the design and analytical modeling of transportation systems and transit services through mathematical/statistical analyses and data mining. She has complered many research projects in the area of image processing, macroscopic/microscopic/ mesoscopic simulation of traffic network, system operations and maintenance supports, and project management. She has more than 20 joumal publications and conferences proceeding. She is the Transportation Research Board (TRB) committee member of Automated Transit systems advocating and performing research in the automated transit.

Nadereh holds a Ph.D. degree in Civil & Environment Engineering from Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, M.S. in Civil Engineering from the City University of New York, New York, and B.S. in Computer Engineering (hardware) from Beheshti University, Tehran-Iran. She holds a Professional Engineer (PE) license.

Terriann Moore-Abrams, Esq.

General Manager & Chief of Staff – Port Authority of NY & NJ

Terriann Moore-Abrams, Esq. is the General Manager of the Planning and Regional Development Department at The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.  Terriann manages and has oversight of the agency’s Transit Tech Lab portfolio.  She recently developed the policies and procedures for the agency’s Third-Party Use of PA/PATH facilities program, and successfully transferred program to the PA’s Branding Department.

Terriann previously served as an Assistant Director in the COO’s office, which oversees the agency’s five Line Departments.  There, she managed the business planning process for all lines of business (Aviation, Tunnels Bridges & Terminals, Port Authority Trans Hudson Commuter Rail, Port, and World Trade Center; and was responsible for developing operational and administrative policies.


Terriann holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Juris Doctorate.


William Riviere

Principal Planner – NJDOT

William Riviere is a principal planner for the New Jersey Department of Transportation and the Safe Routes to School Coordinator for the NJDOT’s Bureau of Safety, Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs. As the lead administrator for NJDOT’s Local Technical Assistance Program for bicycle and pedestrian projects, Mr. Riviere provides guidance and expertise in creating streets as corridors for all modes of transportation for all ages and abilities.


As the New Jersey Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Mr. Riviere oversees the technical assistance program working closely with the Safe Routes Resource Center at Rutgers and all eight New Jersey Transportation Management Associations.

Richard D. Tomko, Ph.D., M.B.A., M.J., M.A.E.

Superintendent – Garfield Public Schools

Dr. Richard Tomko has had numerous administrative responsibilities during his 23-year career in educational administration. He has been a building administrator at the middle and secondary levels and is responsible for district-wide curriculum, assessment, innovative program initiatives, technology, and professional development while in central office positions. Prior to his arrival in the Belleville N.J. Public Schools District, Dr. Tomko held the positions of Director of Athletics; Assistant Principal; Principal; Assistant Superintendent; and Superintendent of Schools in several public school districts in multiple counties. He also began to research the achievement gaps between learners and the transition of students from 8th to 9th grade, making changes to programs and personnel to help students be successful in their classes.

Since his appointment to Superintendent of Schools in the Belleville N.J. Public Schools District in 2015, the Board and administration have successfully authored and implemented an action plan to remediate fiscal concerns and eliminate a $4.2 Million deficit, ending that school year with a financially sound projection and budget that addressed the needs of all students.  A district-wide 1:1 Chromebook initiative soon after ensued while new elementary, middle, and high school textbook series and e-texts were also adopted.  A new administrative realignment for greater support and oversight was implemented, and Board policies were updated to enhance grade point average equity and district procedures. The current district curriculum team and high school administration have worked to create the Leadership Academy; Academy of Criminal Justice; and the Ralph Vellon Academy of Engineering and Medical Sciences while partnering with Clara Maas Medical Center to reflect Academy STEM standards and surpass the expectations of the science core.

In early 2018, Dr. Tomko spearheaded a campaign to promote and gained community support in passing a $48 Million construction referendum by a large margin. In working with the state, Dr. Tomko secured 50% funding for the taxpayers of the community through construction aid. A second project ($4 Million) to rebuild the athletic complex at Clearman Field was also designed and approved to help improve athletic facilities for all students and members of the township. Content curriculums are continuously updated to enhance academic rigor, advanced exit skills have been infused to challenge students at every school level, and a district-wide effort to ensure equity in access was started to ensure learners from diverse backgrounds and with different needs are receiving specialized programs tailored to the demands of every learner.

In 2019 just 4 short years under Dr. Tomko’s leadership in the district, the Belleville Public Schools District was recognized as a District of Distinction (DA) for its RISE and Shine program and a “High Performing District” by the New Jersey Department of Education for raising the percentages of the Quality Single Assurance Continuum (QSAC) by 53% in the Instruction and Program category and 54% in Fiscal Management.

Dr. Tomko continues to work with his Board in monthly committees to lead the district mission and ensure that the district’s vision, where all students can learn, is being supported by all aspects of the school district. In 2021, the district expanded its life skills program by adding two houses to assist special populations with programs necessary for transition beyond graduation. The district actively competed to receive approximately $10 Million in preschool expansion aid which, along with the creation of the Hornblower Early Childhood Center (HECC) on Ralph Street, has led to the preschool “universe” in the township reaching 90% where it was less than 10% before Dr. Tomko arrived in 2015.

The 2022-2023 school year will include the opening of the Belleville Middle School South Annex with parking structure and the new 25,000 sq. foot indoor training facility. Stakeholders will also recognize the superintendent and Board’s commitment to sustainable energy with the construction of solar and wind projects around the district campuses, the mobilization of electric school buses, and a teaching greenhouse that will host a horticultural center. Academically, the district continues to focus on the learning regression from COVID-19 with the expansion of the Summer Bridge Program and increased tutoring sessions for students at all grade levels. The school year will also see the start of the JR ROTC program; the high school Anatomage Laboratory; and the extension of learning opportunities to include the Law Enforcement, Fire Science, and Public Safety Academy and the Culinary Science Academy.

Dr. Tomko obtained his principal license and School Administrator certificate after earning his Master’s Degree in Educational Administration (M.A.E.), and he has attained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) with a concentration in Educational Leadership, Management, and Policy from Seton Hall University. Dr. Tomko has also earned a Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from The Johns Hopkins University; and a Master of Jurisprudence (M.J.) Degree in Children’s Law and Policy from Loyola University of Chicago School of Law; a Certificate in Advanced Educational Leadership (CAEL) from Harvard University; a Graduate Certificate in Community and Economic Development from Pennsylvania State University; a Graduate Certificate in The Brain, Teaching, and Learning from The Johns Hopkins University; and an Executive Certificate in Transformational Non-Profit Leadership from the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business.  He is presently enrolled in the Master of Science program in Applied Analytics (M.S.) at Columbia University. Dr. Tomko currently serves as an adjunct professor in the Educational Leadership/School Counseling graduate programs at Manhattan College, Montclair State University, and Centenary University. He was appointed by the Governor to serve as a Commissioner on the School Ethics Commission, sits as a member on the Sparta Environmental Commission, and has also served as a Trustee on the New Jersey Educational Services Commission (NJESC).

Dr. Tomko continues to research the “expectations gap” and lack of articulation between secondary schools and institutions of higher education with the hope of improving student readiness for post-secondary instruction.  Past formal research endeavors and publications have included student achievement gaps on statewide assessments; student safety; early childhood literacy; guidance and counseling influence on student application to post-secondary education; bullying; student perceptions of remedial English; and student readiness for college.  Dr. Tomko is a 2012 cohort graduate of the National SUPES Academy and participated in the Harvard Graduate School of Education Leadership Institute for Superintendents: Systematic Reform in School Districts and Schools.  Dr. Tomko is a change agent for creativity and problem-solving and works with his administrative teams to decrease achievement gaps between demographic subgroups of learners.  He has a proven record of effecting change in his current and past districts by involving families, stakeholders, and community groups in restoring student engagement leading to overall student success.

Dr. Tomko was named Essex County Superintendent of the Year in 2020 for exhibiting leadership in learning, communication, professionalism, and active community involvement with an understanding of regional, national, and international issues.  He has been honored with receiving the New Jersey State Governor’s Jefferson Award and recognized by the United States Department of Defense through his receipt of the Patriot Award in 2018 and the Above and Beyond Award in 2019.  Dr. Tomko is married, has four children, and dedicates his spare time to volunteering as a coach for local recreation sports teams and other non-profit organizations.

Rebecca L. Williams

Commissioner – Union County

Commissioner Rebecca L. Williams was elected to her first full three-year term in November 2019 and was re-elected to a second full term in 2022. In 2022, she also served her first term as Chair of the Union County Board of County Commissioners.

This year, Commissioner Williams will be serving as Chair of the Board’s Parks and Programming Committee, and as a member of the Fiscal and Public Works and Facilities Committees, respectively.

In addition, she will serve as liaison to the following advisory boards: Union County LGBTQ Ad Hoc Committee, Cornerstone Board of Managers, Motion Picture & TV Advisory Board, Union County Vocational-Technical School Board of Estimates, Green Brook Flood Control Commission, and Meadowlink/EZ Ride.

Known for an emphasis on constituent outreach, fiscal issues, support for arts and culture initiatives, and quality of life matters, Commissioner Williams advocates for county-local shared services that save tax dollars while improving efficiency. She has also been in the forefront of LGBTQ advocacy, working with the Union County Office of LGBTQ Affairs to address housing, senior services, education, health, public safety, community engagement, and other areas of concern.

Williams prides herself on her openness and accessibility to all constituents. She remains a grassroots public servant, reaching out and following up with constituents to ensure their concerns are resolved.

A frequent speaker on women’s and LGBTQ+ empowerment, Commissioner Williams has served on panels at The League of Municipalities, The Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers’s Eagleton Institute, The National Council of Negro Women, and Garden State Equality among many other organizations. Prior to her election to the Commissioner Board, Williams served two terms on the Plainfield City Council in support of a progressive agenda and economic development, contributing to Plainfield’s revitalization.

Commissioner Williams is a full-time faculty member of the Humanities Division at Essex County College in Newark, where she teaches American Literature, African American Literature, Effective Speech, English Composition, and Women’s Literature.

Discover Bergen County’s Extensive Transportation Resources!

Are you ready to transform your daily commute, reduce your carbon footprint, and contribute to a more connected community? EZ Ride has just released a comprehensive 54-page Mobility Guide for Bergen County, and it could change the way you think about getting around!

Why You Need This Guide?

Whether you’re a daily commuter seeking to optimize your daily travel, an older adult looking for accessible transportation options, a social worker or healthcare professional assisting clients with transportation needs, a business leader considering location decisions based on transportation access, or a visitor to Bergen County, this comprehensive guide is your key to unlocking a world of smart transportation choices.

What’s Inside?

NJ TRANSIT: Your Gateway to Effortless Travel

  • Discover the convenience of the Main Line, Bergen Line, and Pascack Valley Line
  • Navigate 21 local bus routes and 23 routes to New York City with ease
  • Learn how to save time and money with the MYBUS real-time information system

Accessibility Without Limits

  • Explore NJ TRANSIT Access Link for curb-to-curb service
  • Take advantage of the Reduced Fare Program, offering up to 50% off for seniors and people with disabilities
  • Uncover County and Municipal transportation options tailored for seniors and those with disabilities

Rediscover Your Neighborhood

  • Find scenic trails for walking and cycling
  • Learn about bringing your bike on buses and trains
  • Prioritize pedestrian safety with expert tips

The Future of Mobility

  • Navigate ride-sharing services like Lyft and Uber
  • Embrace the electric vehicle revolution with charging tips and station locations

Join the Movement

By choosing smarter transportation options, you’re not just saving time and money – you’re actively reducing traffic congestion and lowering our communities carbon footprint.

Visit our website today to explore a complete range of guides and transit maps tailored to meet the unique needs of different county’s statewide. Start your journey toward smarter, greener and more efficient travel now!


Beyond Business Hours: EZ Ryde4Life’s Flexible Transportation Solution for Clinilabs

At EZ Ride, we strive to meet the changing needs of our partners and riders. One of our standout partnerships is with Clinilabs, a leading healthcare organization, where we provide transportation through our EZ Ryde4Life program.

Clinilabs relies on EZ Ryde4Life to ensure that their clients have access to safe, dependable rides to and from their appointments. With clients often traveling long distances, the average ride can cost over $130, with some reaching as high as $350. Each month, EZ Ride arranges over 100 rides for Clinilabs, primarily using our Flex-Ride feature.

What sets Flex-Rides apart? It offers the flexibility to schedule transportation outside of regular business hours, making it an essential service for clients who need rides on weekends or late into the evening. It also accommodates clients with changing schedules, allowing them to adjust their ride times without hassle.

The process is simple: after their appointment, clients receive a text message when they are ready to leave. Once they activate the message, a driver is dispatched to their location, providing a seamless and stress-free experience.

“Partnering with EZ Ride and using their EZ Ryde4Life program has been a game-changer for our clients. Reliable transportation is critical to ensuring they can access our facility, and EZ Ride’s flexible scheduling has allowed us to meet those needs, even outside of typical business hours. The convenience and efficiency they provide have made a real difference in the quality of service we can offer” said Amber Farwig, Manager, Patient Recruitment and Outreach at Clinilabs.

The EZ Ryde4Life program also offers detailed trip reports that enable organizations like Clinilabs to monitor and manage transportation usage.

At EZ Ride, we take pride in making sure transportation is never a barrier to care. Our collaboration with Clinilabs is just one example of how we’re delivering fast, flexible, and reliable rides across the state.

For more information on how EZ Ryde4Life can meet your transportation needs, call us at 201-939-4242 select option 9 then dial ext. 131.


Verona Township: Certified Platinum and Leading the EV Charge in Essex County

In early September, Verona Township partnered with EZ Ride to apply for Electric Vehicle Adaption Leadership (EVAL) certification for both the Township Hall and Community Center. We are pleased to announce that both sites have achieved the highest level—Platinum EVAL certification—for their installation of accessible and affordable EV charging stations for township employees and residents. Achieving Platinum status is a significant accomplishment that reflects the Township’s commitment to carbon reduction and sustainability, supported by municipal and council leadership. The Township and its Green Team have actively worked to educate employees and residents about electric vehicles (EVs) and the benefits of clean transportation options. Their HR policies further promote green commuting, public transit use, and micromobility.

Charging Station Details:

  • Community Center: One charging station with dual ports
  • Township Hall: One charging station with dual ports
  • Type: Both are Level 2 charging ports
  • Cost: Free for the first two hours; $1 per hour thereafter

The municipal station was installed in 2019, while the Community Center’s station followed in 2020. Both are conveniently located in downtown Verona, close to the Township Library, government services, local schools, shopping areas, restaurants, a gym, and within walking distance of the West Essex Trail.

Kevin O’Sullivan, P.E., Deputy Township Manager of Verona, stated: “The Township of Verona has been actively pursuing various sustainable initiatives in coordination with our Green Team. We are proud of our accomplishments, including the EV charging station initiatives. We look forward to showcasing our achievements through the certification process and leading the EV movement.”

To learn how your community can become EVAL-certified—a national USDOE recognition program—and access resources to foster an EV-friendly environment, please contact us at [email protected] or call 201-939-4242, ext. 6.

Pictured: Verona Councilman Jack McEvoy with his Ford Lightning at the Verona Community Center.


Promoting Safe and Sustainable Mobility: E-Scooter Safety Classes in Newark

In June, the People for Bikes Foundation awarded EZ Ride a Better Bike Share mini-grant to conduct E-Scooter Safety Classes in Newark. Since then, the program has hosted 11 classes with 99 participants at Harriet Tubman Square, Lincoln Park, Military Park, the Newark Schools Stadium, near Barringer High School, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Riverfront Park, the Temple of Hip Hop, and Weequahic Park. The initiative aims to increase safety and equity across Newark by offering e-scooter safety training in 10 Equity Deployment Zones spanning the city’s five wards.

While focused on education, these classes are designed to allow participants to experience their first e-scooter ride in a safe environment. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with participants taking group photos and encouraging their friends and family to join future sessions. Due to the program’s success, NJ TRANSIT will partner with EZ Ride to offer similar e-scooter classes in Linden next spring.

What the Classes Offer

Participants receive comprehensive instruction on e-scooter safety, covering essential topics such as proper use of safety gear, operating e-scooters, crossing intersections safely, signaling turns, maintenance, and performing safety maneuvers.

Each class includes practical instruction, hands-on practice, a free helmet and reflective safety vest, safety information, and discounted ride offers. The goal is to improve the safety of e-scooter riders and reduce crashes. Additionally, participants learn how to register and use micro-mobility apps, with alternative options provided for those without smartphone access.

While the program is geared toward adults due to vendor policies, youth are also encouraged to participate if they bring their own e-scooter.

Partners and Future Plans

EZ Ride extends its gratitude to People for Bikes and our partners, including: The City of Newark, Veoride Inc., Bird Rides Inc., Weequahic Park Association, Newark’s Office of Violence Prevention & Trauma Recovery, Eric Muñoz Trauma Center at University Hospital, New Jersey Institute of Technology and Newark City Parks.

For more information, please email [email protected] or call 201-939-4242 ext. 3.


Belleville Township Explores Safer Streets with Pop-Up Bike Lane Demonstration

Belleville Township was selected as one of five municipalities to participate in the NJTPA’s Complete Streets Technical Assistance Program for 2024-2025. This program, led by Sustainable Jersey and the Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University (VTC), provides resources to improve safety and accessibility. EZ Ride proudly served on the project’s Technical Advisory Committee.

The initiative focused on Division Avenue, congested road connecting Union Avenue to Passaic Street. This corridor experiences heavy traffic during school drop-off and pick-up times at Belleville High School and Belleville School No. 7, with speeding posing additional risks. The project aimed to evaluate the potential for a dedicated bike lane, highlighted through a pop-up demonstration.  The Belleville High School drone team created a drone video that shows the class and rides in the bike lanes.

Key Milestones of the Project

Walkability and Bikeability Audit (May 8, 2024):
From 1:30 to 4:00 PM, the project team assessed driver and pedestrian behavior, photographed the area, and documented traffic patterns around the schools. A speed study was also conducted to gather data on vehicle speeds and congestion levels.

Temporary Bike Lane Installation (October 24, 2024):
The Township DPW installed a temporary two-way bike lane along Division Avenue using flexible delineators. This pilot project demonstrated how dedicated cyclist infrastructure could reduce conflicts between cars and bikes while enhancing safety.

Bike and Roll to School Day (October 30, 2024):
EZ Ride organized a community bike and roll event at Belleville High School. Students, residents, local police, and township staff—including Assistant Principal Emily Pascali—participated. Bill Quick of Borderline Bike Shop and his family also joined the ride, making it a community-wide celebration.

Bike and E-Scooter Safety Presentation (November 1, 2024):
To promote safe cycling practices, EZ Ride conducted a Safe Skills class at the high school, distributed helmets, and hosted a short community ride on the temporary bike lane. Afterward, the Township DPW dismantled the lane. A feedback survey was circulated to gauge community reactions and suggestions. 

Looking Ahead: The Essex-Hudson Greenway

The Essex-Hudson Greenway, a mile and a half from the High School will connect Montclair, Glen Ridge, Bloomfield, Belleville, and Newark to Kearny and Jersey City. Phase 1 construction in Belleville and Newark is scheduled to start in late 2025 and completed by 2027.

For more information about this project, conduct an audit or pilot a bike lane, email [email protected] or call 201-939-4242 ext. 3.




EZ Ride Honors Franklin Township for Sustainability Leadership with EVAL Certifications

EZ Ride is proud to recognize Franklin Township for its commitment to sustainability and electric vehicle (EV) adoption. Recently, three municipal sites achieved EVAL certification:

  • Gold Certification: Municipal Complex and Franklin Youth Center
  • Silver Certification: Department of Public Works

Franklin Township, the largest municipality in Somerset County, spans 47 square miles and is home to over 68,000 residents. With a rich history of environmental stewardship, the township has been a leader in the EV space.

Driving Sustainability Forward

Since 2016, Franklin Township has actively promoted EV adoption, hosting Green Festivals that featured EV test drives and exhibits by local EV owners. In 2018, the township took a significant step by acquiring a fleet of five electric Chevy Bolts, quickly expanding with five more EVs within six months. These vehicles support essential township operations, including code enforcement, inspections, and public works.

Complementing its EV fleet, Franklin Township has installed:

  • 10 fleet EV chargers at the Municipal Complex
  • 2 public chargers at the Municipal Complex
  • 2 fleet chargers at the DPW
  • Dual-port chargers at Inman Park and the Franklin Youth Center

These initiatives have bolstered Franklin Township’s recognition as a sustainability leader. The township earned Sustainable Jersey Silver Certification in 2019 and again in 2022. In 2019, it also received the Electric Vehicle Award from Keep Middlesex Moving for its outstanding EV adoption.

Leadership and Collaboration

Franklin Township’s success stems from its collaborative approach, engaging local experts, including LEED-certified professionals and EV advocates, to strengthen its Green Team and Environmental Commission.

“Franklin Township is committed to clean energy, implementing sustainable actions, and improving the quality of life for our residents and visitors,” said Tara Kenyon, Sustainability Consultant. “Providing affordable and accessible clean transportation options for staff and residents is a cornerstone of a sustainable and healthy environment.”

Looking Ahead

As an EVAL-certified community, Franklin Township sets a benchmark for other municipalities aiming to integrate EV infrastructure and promote sustainable transportation.

For more information about EVs, EVAL Certification, or available EV grants, please contact [email protected] or call 201-939-4242 Option 6.




Make a Difference: Sponsor a Ride for Older Adults Today

At EZ Ride, we believe access to safe and affordable transportation is critical to maintain our quality of life. For older adults who no longer drive, individuals with disabilities, and lower-income workers without access to a car, transportation is often a daily challenge.

That’s why, in January 2024, we launched the “Sponsor a Ride” campaign, providing subsidized rides through Lyft and Uber at just $5 per trip for lower-income older adults. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and partners, the program has already been a success, assisting more than 200 older adults and delivering over 5,000 rides.

Take Elizabeth from Orange, for example. Without a car, Elizabeth relies on our program to juggle work at the West Caldwell Senior Retirement Community, care for her grandchildren, and run errands. As she puts it:

“The program has given us the independence we never thought we could have without owning a car. It’s about saving money and being able to manage our lives as a family without relying on others.”

Elizabeth’s story is just one of many. For countless older adults, this program is a lifeline, providing access to employment, healthcare, and everyday necessities like grocery shopping.

But the need is great, and we can’t do it without you. By sponsoring a ride, you can help ensure that seniors in our community have access to the transportation they need to live independently and with dignity.

Join us in making a difference. Sponsor a ride today by using the link below:

Together, we can drive change and improve lives.


Bridging Gaps: Transforming Healthcare Access with EZ Ride

For over 27 years, the Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey Community Health Center Inc. (VNACJ CHC), a federally qualified health center in Monmouth County, has provided primary care for families, regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. However, transportation barriers have historically limited access to these vital services, especially for seniors and individuals with mobility challenges.

In 2021, VNACJ CHC partnered with EZ Ride to bridge this gap and provide reliable transportation solutions. Last year, more than 100 clients benefited from the program, with EZ Ride facilitating approximately 600 rides to and from the healthcare center in Asbury Park.

Why Partner with EZ Ride?

Partnering with EZ Ride eliminates the logistical challenges of arranging transportation. “They helped us overcome a roadblock in ensuring access to care for our patients, providing a well-executed and managed transportation system — EZ Ride handles it all,” notes John Zim Controller, Director of Nonclinical Services at VNACJ Community Health Center. “Partnering with a company skilled in transportation management allows us to focus on our chief goal: providing comprehensive care for our communities, regardless of patients’ insurance status or ability to pay.”

Beyond providing rides, EZ Ride collects and tracks critical data such as trip origins and destinations, trip purposes, travel times, and distances traveled. These insights are invaluable for planning, grant reporting, and ensuring compliance with funding requirements.

Flexible, Tailored Solutions

EZ Ride enables organizations to customize transportation services to meet their specific needs. Options include rider contributions, trip limitations, geographic restrictions, and purpose-specific trips. The program is quick to implement, launching in just days without long-term commitments. Best of all, the service is available statewide.

Currently, EZ Ride provides over 10,000 rides monthly, serving clients across New Jersey, including Bergen, Essex, and Monmouth counties. This scalable solution is ideal for non-profits and government agencies looking to address transportation gaps efficiently and effectively.

Join the Conversation

EZ Ride will be presenting its EZ Ryde4Life program at an upcoming webinar hosted by the New Jersey Council on Special Transportation (NJCOST) on January 17th at 10 a.m. This is an excellent opportunity for non-profits, community organizations, county and government agencies to learn how EZ Ride can help achieve transportation goals and improve service delivery.

Get Started

To learn more, contact Kinga Skora at (201) 939-4242 ext. 131 or email [email protected]. Together, we can ensure transportation is no longer a barrier to accessing essential services.

Celebrating Courage: Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day

On November 13 and 14, more than 3,000 students from 22 schools in Passaic, Orange, Teaneck, and Red Bank participated in Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day.

The event promotes walking to school and honors the bravery of six-year-old Ruby Bridges, the first African American student to desegregate a Louisiana public school in 1960. Despite harassment by protesters and racist taunts from residents as she entered the school to start first grade, Ruby didn’t miss a day of school and was the first in her family to graduate from high school.

November 14th was officially recognized in New Jersey as Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day in 2024 through Assembly Joint Resolution No. 159.

This event offers an opportunity to teach students about history, motivate them to adopt healthier habits such as walking, and embrace acceptance of their classmates who come from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Dr. Gerald Fitzhugh, II, Ed.D., Superintendent of Orange Public Schools, joined students from multiple schools to walk through the City of Orange Township on Nov. 14, 2024, as shown in the photo. “The Orange Public School District supports Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day and the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program by encouraging students to walk to school and to treat each other respectfully. Our district has endorsed a district-wide Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day, and we will use these events to apply for the 2025 Safe Routes to School Recognition Program. We continually work with EZ Ride to inform our students about the best walking and biking safety practices, and we value our partnership. Thanks to our previous work with EZ Ride, most Orange public schools have hosted walk-to-school days and bike and pedestrian safety presentations. These events have led to many schools receiving Gold Safe Routes to School awards, and the City has received two SRTS infrastructure grants totaling $1,912,000 million in 2018 and 2024 to make safety improvements. We look forward to the continued success of both of these programs.” Superintendent Gerald Fitzhugh II, Ed.D.

Students at Teaneck Public Schools went the extra mile by preparing a wonderful video about Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day with contributions from NJ State Senator Angela McKnight, Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumpter, and Teaneck Superintendent Andre Spencer.

NJDOT’s NJ Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program recognizes Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day as meeting the criteria for the annual Safe Routes to School Recognition Awards program.

The EZ Ride Bike and Pedestrian team is proud to support this meaningful event. We are available to conduct presentations about Ruby Bridges and pedestrian safety and can provide ideas and resources for banners, signs, and student incentives. For more information, contact us at [email protected] or 201-939-4242, option 3.

Congratulations to all the students, teachers, and community members who participated in this year’s Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day! Together, we are making strides towards a healthier, more inclusive future.

PSE&G Leads New Jersey in Workplace EV Charging with 32 Certified Sites

Congratulations to Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) for implementing workplace Electric Vehicle (EV) charging programs and achieving Electric Vehicle Adoption Leadership (EVAL) certification at 32 sites—the highest number for any employer in New Jersey. This remarkable accomplishment demonstrates PSE&G’s commitment to advancing clean energy and fostering sustainable transportation.

In 2024, a total of 122 worksites in New Jersey received EVAL certification. As the state’s oldest and largest investor-owned utility company, PSE&G employs approximately 12,500 individuals. Dawn Neville, PSE&G Manager of Electric Transportation, remarked, “Earning this national EVAL certification for workplace charging is an important recognition for us at PSE&G. It reflects our commitment to clean energy adoption and highlights the steps we’re taking to support EV-related charging solutions for our employees and our company. This certification also underscores our dedication to reducing the environmental impact across our worksites.”

The importance of workplace EV charging cannot be overstated. With approximately 10% of all new cars sold in the U.S. being electric, the demand for accessible charging infrastructure continues to rise. Statistics show that for every new public charging port installed, 38 new EVs are sold. To ensure seamless charging experiences, most areas aim for an ideal ratio of eight to twelve EVs per public charging port. According to the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, this will necessitate installing 451 new EV chargers every day through the end of 2030 to meet the rate of EV adoption.

Access to workplace charging is a critical component in meeting this growing demand. Beyond home charging, workplace charging ranks as the most preferred option for EV owners. For the 20% of Americans—and an even higher percentage of low- and moderate-income drivers—who live in buildings without access to off-street parking, workplace charging provides an essential solution, ensuring equitable opportunities for EV ownership and usage.

The EVAL certification program is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and administered by Forth Mobility, a non-profit organization dedicated to electrifying transportation. EZ Ride proudly serves as the lead implementation partner for this program in New Jersey.

At EZ Ride, we are committed to advancing electric mobility. We offer a range of services, including toolkits to implement workplace charging, information about state and federal EV grants, educational resources, guidance for EV charging deployment at multi-unit dwellings, fleet electrification technical assistance, and First Responder EV Awareness programs. For more information, contact us at [email protected] or call 201-939-4242, option 6.

Congratulations again to PSE&G for this significant milestone, which not only supports EV adoption but also sets an inspiring example for other employers in New Jersey and beyond.

Zero by 2040: Governor Murphy Signs Target Zero Commission Bill

2024 marked a tragic year for New Jersey families, with 691 lives lost on our roadways. From 2023 to 2024, fatalities surged by 14%, while pedestrian fatalities spiked by an alarming 32%.

Bill A1476/S361:  Establishes “New Jersey Target Zero Commission.”

The newly enacted P.L.2024, c.109 creates Target Zero Commission which is a groundbreaking initiative, uniting 13 state agencies under the leadership of the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT). Its mission is to develop a comprehensive, data-driven action plan using evidence-based strategies to achieve zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2040.

The Commission will prioritize analyzing physical transportation designs at the most hazardous locations, emphasizing equitable treatment for all users. Special attention will be given to protecting the most vulnerable populations, including children, seniors, pedestrians, cyclists, and communities that have historically faced disproportionate impacts.

In addition to its statewide focus, the Commission will serve as a resource hub, providing data and support to local municipalities in developing their own Target Zero plans.

A Collaborative Effort Towards Safer Streets

The establishment of the New Jersey Target Zero Commission represents a significant milestone in creating safer streets for all. This initiative aligns seamlessly with the mission of organizations like EZ Ride, which work tirelessly to promote bicycle and pedestrian safety.

At EZ Ride, we applaud Governor Murphy and the state’s leadership for this bold step towards eliminating traffic fatalities. The Target Zero Commission reflects a commitment to equity, data-driven planning, and protecting our most vulnerable road users. Together, we can build safer communities and achieve the vision of zero fatalities by 2040.

As we move forward, EZ Ride remains dedicated to partnering with the Target Zero Commission and local municipalities to ensure this vision becomes a reality. Let us all continue to work together for a safer, healthier, and more equitable New Jersey.

Managing EV Fires: Free Safety Awareness Session for First Responders

As of December 2024, New Jersey had over 200,000 registered electric vehicles (EVs). With EV adoption on the rise, it is crucial for first responders to understand how to safely manage incidents involving these vehicles.

Traditional firefighting techniques may not be effective for EV-related fires due to the high-voltage systems they operate on. Although EVs are less likely to catch fire compared to gasoline-powered vehicles, they burn at significantly higher temperatures (up to 5,000°F versus 1,500°F) and can reignite even after being extinguished. As a result, handling EV fires requires specialized knowledge and procedures.

To address this need, EZ Ride, in partnership with the New Jersey Electric Vehicle Association (NJEVA), is offering a free two-hour EV Safety Awareness session for first responders. The program features a presentation by an experienced volunteer firefighter and energy storage expert, covering:

  • Best practices for safely approaching and stabilizing an EV at an incident scene
  • Proper procedures for cooling and securing EV batteries post-fire
  • Hands-on demonstrations using multiple EVs to show battery disconnection techniques

NJEVA has previously delivered this training at the Somerset County Emergency Services Training Academy and Princeton Junction’s Fire Co. #1.

Municipalities that participate in the program could earn 15 certification points through Sustainable Jersey under the “Make Your Town EV Friendly” Action category. Offering First Responder EV and EV Supply Equipment training is considered a mandatory task for this initiative, and many municipalities secure grants to enhance their community’s sustainability efforts.

Schedule a Free EV Safety Awareness Session

Communities interested in hosting this valuable training can apply at Resources are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. For more details, email [email protected] or call 201-939-4242 (Option 6).

EZ Ride Welcomes UZURV to the EZ Ryde4Life Program

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with UZURV, a specialized transportation provider offering wheelchair-accessible vehicles and personalized door-to-door service. This collaboration enhances the EZ Ryde4Life program, ensuring greater mobility and independence for older adults and individuals with disabilities.


UZURV is designed to meet the unique transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities. By incorporating wheelchair-accessible rides and hands-on assistance, we are making the EZ Ryde4Life program more inclusive than ever. Please note that this service will be available for an additional fee.

“We are thrilled to partner with EZ Ride to expand accessible and reliable transportation options in New Jersey. This collaboration allows us to bring our specialized door-to-door and wheelchair- accessible services to more individuals who need them most. Together, we are breaking down transportation barriers and ensuring that every rider has access to safe, comfortable and personalized travel options. We look forward to making a lasting impact with EZ Ride and the communities they serve.”

— John Donlon, Founding CEO and President of UZURV.

How EZ Ryde4Life Works?

The EZ Ryde4Life program provides a simple, phone-based solution for older adults who do not use smartphones or ride-hailing apps. Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign Up: Join the EZ Ryde4Life program and gain access to our network of transportation providers like Lyft, Uber and UZURV.
  2. Book Your Trip: Call our dedicated team to schedule a ride at 201-939-4242 and Press Option 4. No app or tech skills required.
  3. Enjoy The Ride: Receive trip details, including driver information and vehicle identification for a smooth and worry-free journey.

Learn More

For more information about EZ Ryde4Life and UZURV’s personalized transportation services, please contact Kinga Skora at 201-939-4242 ext. 131.

Together, we are expanding mobility, enhancing independence, and ensuring safe, reliable, and affordable transportation for all.

From Policy to Progress: Upgrading Municipal Street Design


As of September 2024, the Complete & Green Streets Policy requirements for NJDOT and Sustainable Jersey have been updated. All new or existing policies must align with the standards outlined in the January 2020 NJDOT Complete & Green Streets For All Model Complete Streets Policy & Guide.

What is a Complete & Green Street?

Complete & Green Streets is a transformative initiative that prioritizes safety, accessibility, and sustainability. By designing roads that accommodate all users—pedestrians, cyclists, individuals with disabilities, and drivers—this policy helps create safer, more connected communities. More importantly, it aligns with the Safe Systems Approach Framework to achieve zero roadway deaths while integrating green infrastructure to manage stormwater and enhance environmental resilience.

Why Should Your Municipality Upgrade to a Complete & Green Streets Policy?

By adopting or updating your policy, your community will:

  • Enhance Safety & Accessibility: Reduce crashes, lower travel speeds, and create safer streets for all users.
  • Increase Sustainability: Mitigate flooding and improve stormwater management through green infrastructure.
  • Achieve Recognition & Certification: Earn Gold Safe Routes Recognition and gain 10–30 points toward Sustainable Jersey Certification.
  • Boost Economic & Community Appeal: Attract businesses, increase property values, and enhance the aesthetics of your neighborhood.
  • Promote Health & Equity: Ensure equitable access to safe and active transportation options for all residents.

Currently, only 181 out of 565 New Jersey municipalities have a Complete Streets Policy, and just 27 meet the new guidelines. In EZ Ride’s service area, only 13 out of 50 existing policies have been updated.

Join Leading Municipalities Like Red Bank! Red Bank recently took action in 2024, updating its Complete & Green Streets Ordinance. Council Member Nancy Facey-Blackwood shared:

“Red Bank’s ordinance emphasizes green stormwater infrastructure, health, equity, and safer streets. It requires developers to adhere to engineering and development checklists, raising awareness of green initiatives. Additionally, it establishes a Complete & Green Streets Advisory Committee to promote walkability and bike-friendliness, benefitting the entire community.”

Act—Lead the Way in New Jersey! Be a leader in your community—adopt a Complete & Green Streets Policy today to create safer, healthier, and more resilient streets for generations to come.

EZ Ride is here to help! Contact us at [email protected] or call 201-939-4242 (Option 3) to start upgrading your policy today.