Nadereh Moini, Ph. D.P.E.

Chief of Transportation – New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority

Dr. Nadereh (Nady) Moini currently is the chief of transportation at the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority (NJSEA). Prior to that, she was a research assistant professor in the College of Urban Planning and Public Affair (CUPPA) of University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) and senior transportation system engineer at Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) in Rutgers University, the State university of New Jersey.

She has diverse scholar and field experiences in planning, design, and assessment of transportation systems and application of the state-of-the-art technologies. She has been conducting and managing several transportation studies and projects in transit rail safety and security, pedestrian/cyclists safety and mobility, freight movements, ITS design and planning, port planning and management, traffic simulation, rail transit, highway and transit safety during the past ten years working at transportation centers in academia and more than five years working in industry. She has performed and directed projects in the development of models to mitigate truck congestion in the vicinity of marine container terminals and to reduce air pollution by utilizing mobile on-street parking guidance systems. Her experience includes the design and analytical modeling of transportation systems and transit services through mathematical/statistical analyses and data mining. She has complered many research projects in the area of image processing, macroscopic/microscopic/ mesoscopic simulation of traffic network, system operations and maintenance supports, and project management. She has more than 20 joumal publications and conferences proceeding. She is the Transportation Research Board (TRB) committee member of Automated Transit systems advocating and performing research in the automated transit.

Nadereh holds a Ph.D. degree in Civil & Environment Engineering from Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, M.S. in Civil Engineering from the City University of New York, New York, and B.S. in Computer Engineering (hardware) from Beheshti University, Tehran-Iran. She holds a Professional Engineer (PE) license.