Apply for a Position at EZ Ride Now!

Learn more about the Bike & Pedestrian Programs Transportation Coordinator (Full-Time) position

Role of the Position

You will be responsible for helping our Bike & Ped team carry out the grant responsibilities and promote/implement SRTS, NJDHTS, and SSNJ programs in our service areas. The tasks include:

  1. Community Outreach: You will contact municipal and school staff, PTA leaders, active senior or community centers, and other relevant community organizations to set up activities to achieve the program goals
  2. Educate/Encourage/Train:  You will present how to be a safe pedestrian, cyclist, and driver to large groups of students. If necessary, you will train the teachers on how to educate their students in our Train the Trainer program. You will participate in education efforts for Street Smart campaigns.
  3. Technical Assistance: You will help the schools and/or community:
    • Launch SRTS initiatives such as safety audits, walk/roll to school day, walking/biking school bus, bike safe skills classes, poster contests, etc.
    • Develop school travel plans, conduct speed studies, demo projects, and other projects.
    • Adopt SRTS policies, municipal Complete & Green Streets, and Crossing Guard policie.
  4. SRTS Recognition Program: You will encourage and assist schools and municipalities to participate in the SRTS program and register them in the SRTS Recognition database annually.
  5. Due to program needs, this position offers limited opportunities for remote work. Team members are expected to be in the office at least two days a week, and we often do fieldwork on other days. Availability for occasional events and meetings on weekends / early morning / evening is required. All hours worked are included in the 40-hour workweek; overtime is not expected. From spring to fall, we have outdoor weekend bike events. During the school year, we attend health and pedestrian safety coalition or BOE/Town Council meetings in the evenings. We are looking for a candidate to work full-time, 40 hours a week. However, you will be assessed over a three-month period to ensure the position is a good fit for you and EZ Ride.
  6. Miscellaneous: In addition, you will assist with:
    • Preparing weekly, monthly, and quarterly team reports; SRTS Records of Contact
    • Making crash maps and data analysis
    • Regular checks for the NJ Transit Bike Locker program
    • Research/write travel plan reports, news articles, social media, and case studies

EZ Ride Bike & Pedestrian Program

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) ( is a federally funded program administered by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) and designed to encourage school children to walk and/or bike to school safely.  EZ Ride is responsible for helping 800+ elementary and middle schools in Bergen, Passaic, Essex, Union, and Monmouth counties implement the program. As resources are limited, our primary focus is on schools located in disadvantaged communities. The goals of the SRTS program are to:

  1. Work in schools to educate gr K-12 students about how to safely walk or bike to school to encourage health and reduce pedestrian crashes, traffic congestion, and air pollution.
  2. Assist communities to make bicycling and walking to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative and to identify any safety issues and infrastructure improvements.

Highway Traffic Safety ( funds a statewide effort to promote driving, walking, and biking safety in communities. Our goals are to educate and encourage seniors, high school and college students, adults, and preschool children about walking and biking safety in our service area.

Street Smart New Jersey (SSNJ) campaign is an NJTPA funded program ( to reduce pedestrian crashes and fatalities.  We work on education and enforcement campaigns annually and prepare a report on our efforts to observe driver/pedestrian behaviors, and engage and educate residents about NJ laws, safe practices, and the campaign’s key messages.

Performance Measures

Performance will be measured by:

  • Completing grant deliverables and assignments on time
  • Efforts to recruit new schools and municipal partners in target areas
  • Ability to present and availability to work at events
  • Ability to work with a team and to take constructive feedback
  • # of SRTS Recognition Awards
  • # of Students participating in Bike & Ped Events
  • # of Safety Presentations
  • # of Bike/Micromobility classes conducted
  • # of Speed Studies/Demonstration Projects Conducted
  • # of Complete & Green Streets, SRTS, and Crossing Guard Policies adopted

Education, Experience & Skills Required

Education and Work Experience Required

  1. Deep interest in promoting health, walking and biking safety and wellness
  2. Experience and ability to make dynamic presentations to large groups
  3. Ability to initiate and build relationships with school/city officials, community leaders
  4. Ability to organize, plan, and work independently and manage multiple tasks/deadlines


Skills and Expertise Required

  1. Excellent presentation and writing skills
  2. Punctual, reliable, strong work ethic, focus on excellence, not hours worked
  3. Positive attitude, team player, able to learn quickly on the job, and accept feedback
  4. Good driving record and willingness to drive to schools/ events in Essex, Monmouth, Passaic, Union, and Bergen County
  5. Bicycle/Walking & Healthy Living Enthusiast – confident cyclist
  6. Experience with Google Suite, Microsoft Office, Excel, Instagram, and YouTube
  7. The ability to speak Spanish fluently is desired
  1. Good driving record and a car: travel to Bergen, Essex, Monmouth, Passaic, & Union Counties is expected. Mileage-based reimbursement is provided for all business travel from the office.

Contact Information for Questions:

Michael Johnson, Manager, Bike & Pedestrian Program

[email protected], 201-939-4242, ext.130.

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